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6th Dimension


Mid-week Service with Pr. Robert Kayanja


#Preparation for the Sixth Anointing

Today is Anointing number six, and this anointing is like no other anointings. It’s the anointing of diverse operations. It is to operate in three dimensions, but also remember number six in the days of the Lord is the Sabbath. Its amazing that God wants you to operate in three dimensions, but at the same time, He wants you to rest.

Have you ever thought about this, where the scripture says, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever [Exodus 14:13]. In other words, if I standstill, it doesn’t mean I am doing nothing, I am doing still. When God says stand still and know, He is not meaning do nothing… He means stand still. For example, if there’s a lion coming here and it enters there, I can assure you, whoever runs will be eaten; it will over run you; it will find those who run slow, but those who stand still, it will not eat them.

Fear invites danger, but in the sixth anointing, once it comes on your life, you are going to see the Egyptians swallowed in the sea. In other words, what God wants you to do is to WATCH. Watching is powerful. The scripture says, watch and pray [Matthew 26:41]. People think that just looking like this, you are doing nothing. I am watching my God do the impossible. Verse 41 reads, Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. In one verse, He is talking about many things:

  1. Watch
  2. Pray
  3. Temptation
  4. Spirit
  5. Willing
  6. Flesh

Tell a person next to you, WATCH, my day has come. Watch me and my God… The reason why people are doubting your God, is because when they look at you, they see nothing. Religion is so bad… it tells you to close your eyes and pray. Where did they get that scripture? God says, watch and pray.

What is prayer? Prayer is reach out. When you start watching, your prayer turns into a hand. In other words, your prayer is no longer an intercessory prayer, but you are now holding something. Watch and pray that you may not enter temptation. Temptation is a location/place. Temptation is a door. He says, the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. How does your body become weak after you have eaten the body of the LORD and drunk His blood? Remember, Jesus was speaking to people who had just eaten holy communion. It is because what they ate (got) in the spirit did not translate in the flesh. Eating holy communion is a physical thing, but they didn’t get it in the flesh. They got it in the spirit, and the spirit demonstrated strength, but the body was weak. This is the same mistake we have all done; spiritually we are very strong, but when it comes to the tangibility (physical things), we are very weak. A witch can frighten you, and you leave the village. A lizard can frighten you and get out of the village.

In Genesis 1:26, He gives you power and dominion over beasts, creeping things, fish and so forth. So, you as their king and owner, you must go and check them out. Do you believe that once God gives you things to manage them, you must manage them; the fish, whales, but if you don’t know how to dive, how will you manage them because they don’t come to the ground? What about Crocodiles? The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. In other words, what Jesus gave them, they received it spiritually and they became strong, but they were very weak in the flesh. People who had been with Jesus, singing with Him, eating His body and drinking His blood, He said, this is the cup of the new covenant… the flesh run. They were supposed to put up a resistance, but they ran off.

Let me bring it this way, spiritually you are very strong but physically, you are very weak. How many of you have mansions? Spiritually you are very strong, but physically, you are weak. That’s why you need this sixth anointing of dominion because it is going to put you in a level you have never known before. This anointing is going to put you back where the power of God is. You are going to recover what you lost. You are going to be mighty and strong. They that know their God shall be strong and not weak [Daniel 11:32].

Anointing number six will seriously amaze you because it is pushing you back in your position; total recovery and total deliverance. Obadiah 1: 17, But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. Who is Zion? Zion is you. You are the church. You can ask yourself, why is God in Obadiah bring up Jacob? It is because Jacob, physically grabbed the blessings [Genesis 32:26-29]. The bible says, the first born is mine, but Esau failed to understand [Exodus 13:2].

Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne is coming for three days only in Kampala, Uganda at the Miracle Centre Cathedral in the Holy Ghost and Fire Conference, from Oct 10-12, 2023.

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   ©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries

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The Hand Anointing-2


#The Hand Anointing – 2

#Anointing No.5

#August 31, 2023 – Thursday Anointing Service

Let me show you how number 5 happened in the bible. Adam sinned and produced Cain and Abel [Genesis 4:1-2]. Its amazing how things changed after Genesis chapter 5. We all know the genealogy of Adam. He produced Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel [Genesis 4:8]. Cain had some grace, and he went [Genesis 4:16]. Chapter 5 of Genesis, they are rewriting the genealogy of Adam. Verse 1, This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him. Verse 2, Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. Verse 3, And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, and after his image; and called his name Seth.

What about Cain and Abel? These were amess, and God took them away. He created a new lineage. The past He will never remember, behold He creates a new thing [Isaiah 43:19]. After this anointing, all your losses and messes are over. God is going to give you a new genealogy. The hand of God is going to move you from point A to point Z. Chapter 5 of Genesis doesn’t talk about Cain and Abel. It talks about Seth and a new genealogy all the way to Jesus. God is giving you a new lineage. Maybe your fathers and parents were cannibalistic, witchcraft has been in your family, messes, sin and so forth, from today, God is giving you a new permanent start.  

Exodus 5, Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh, and say, “let my people go…” Nobody had ever spoken to Pharaoh those words. For 430 years, nobody dared to tell Pharaoh what to do? But in chapter 5 of Exodus, Moses said, Pharaoh, let my people go! The God of the Hebrews is ordering you. After this Anointing, you are going to talk to those whom you have never talked too; every principality, every power, every demonic power that has held your family: barren, sick, confused, tormented and backward, you are going to address them, and you shall not ask. You are going to command, “LET MY PEOPLE GO.”

 Pharaoh then replied, I don’t know the Lord and I have never seen Him. He asked, who is the LORD that I should obey His voiced? Verse 2, And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. You are about to see the Lord. Tell your devils and your enemies, the witchcraft and curses, they will see the Lord. The ancestral horns (mayembe), bitega, Lumbala, madwa, the witchcraft, the enemies, they will see the Lord. Tell someone, if you want to see me, I am here, but since you have asked the LORD, you will see Him.

In the book of Psalms chapter 5 verse 1, it reads, Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation. In this chapter, David is talking directly to God; “hear my words, O Lord.” After God has established your genealogy, you now address strongholds that had kept your family for years. In the name of Jesus, you are going to talk to God directly. No more going through anybody. You will decree a thing and it shall be established for you [Job 22:28].

Proverbs chapter 5, My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding. He is telling you what you should do and where you should live, and whom you shouldn’t talk too. Once your genealogy is anointed through you, and now you are addressing principalities, and you have a direct talk to God, the anointing will give you a perfect path to life. In this path where you are going, Isaiah 35, vicious animals will not come there. It’s called the highway of holiness. You are not going to lose your money again. Wrong elements are not coming your way. Stupid actions are going, and funny temptations shall not come your way. You are going to focus on the work of the Master, the path of life.

Matthew 5. Jesus teaches on the be-attitudes. Many people have got funny attitudes. Their attitudes are stopping them from being what they ought to be. Attitudes determine altitudes. With the name of Jesus, the Blood and the grace, by now you would be very far, but your attitude towards prayer, the saints, work, vision, dream and towards one another has blocked you. Many of us have not been stopped because demons are strong, but our attitude is terrible. It has hindered us from being what we must be. Matthew 5 talks about the kind of attitude you ought to have.

Mark 5, there was a man who was bound by demons, cutting himself with stones and he lived in the area of Gadarenes. He was a member of the family of Gad a tribe in Israel, but he was mad and lived in tombs with the dead cutting himself with stones, screaming and crying. Jesus came and cast out the demons into pigs and the man was delivered. He was clothed (anointed) and he went back home and delivered the Gadarenes. Today, this anointing is coming to deliver you from all that you know and what you don’t know.

In Luke chapter 5, Jesus comes and finds Simon Peter. He had caught nothing. He was repairing his nets. He had a beautiful boat, but with no fish. Jesus comes in chapter 5, and Peter was able to catch. After today, you are going to catch it. That dream you have been following, that good job, that contract, that money, that marriage, that building, that healing, that grace, that promotion, that favour, you are going to catch it.  You had failed to conceive, catch it… I don’t know how many you want to catch, but you are catching it… Somebody, you are catching your land, money, blessings, life… you are catching. Someone shout, I get it…

As I conclude this text. In John chapter 5, Jesus comes to the pool of Bethesda, and He finds a man who had been there for 38years. Jesus said unto him, carry your bed and go. I don’t know how long you have been waiting for your miracle, but after tonight, you are going home with your miracle. The anointing is in the house. You are going home with your miracle. This man didn’t just get his miracle, but he had a testimony. He carried his bed on a day when nobody was supposed to do anything. Your miracle is going to come when nobody is expecting you, when everyone is quiet and sitting down. They are about to see you doing the impossible on an impossible day in an impossible season and time. In the name of Jesus, you will carry your bed on the day they don’t expect to carry anything. The man got healed on the sabbath day when even his relatives never came to check on him.

Child of God, this is the season. Africa, this is the season. This is your finest moment when they don’t expect you to do it, you are going to do it. You are going to start that business, that house. You are going to get married; you are going to have those babies. You are going to start a family. You are going to build that church. You are going to establish something. Finances are coming to start a company, the work of God and that building. When no one is expecting you to do it, that’s when you are going to do it…

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   ©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries

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The Hand Anointing


#The Hand Anointing

#Anointing No.5

#August 31, 2023 – Thursday Anointing Service

Declare, the hand of the Lord is upon me. The earth before sin came in was set on only four anointings throughout the bible [Genesis 2:10]. It is until Jesus appeared, remember He didn’t appear 2000 years ago, because He first appeared to Noah as Grace [Genesis 6:8]. For ministry, He really revealed Himself through Noah. Of course, He is the word, and the reason why Adam was breathing. He breathed in him the breath of life [Genesis 2:7]. He was here creating, but I am talking about solving man’s problems. He became the Lamb that God slaughtered because He is the Lamb, which was slain from the foundations of the earth. He had been there from the very beginning; but He kept the anointing in the four corners of the earth [Isaiah 53:7, Revelation 13:8].

When Ezekiel came to raise the dead, the Spirit of the Lord told him to speak to the wind from the four corners of the earth [Ezekiel 37:9]. The wind is a kind of anointing because on the day of Pentecost, He (the Holy Spirit) came like a mighty rushing wind [Acts 2:2]. The Lord said unto Ezekiel to call upon the Holy Spirit to come and breath on the dead, and so, the wind came and resurrected these dead. We see the Holy Spirit revealed through the water, the river. When we talk about the river of life, we are literally talking about the Holy Spirit.

Number five came in play because of the sin of Adam, and that is the other side of God the devil never knew. Satan knew that when you cross the four rivers, you have overcome God, because he crossed the river in the days of Daniel. When Daniel was praying on one of the rivers called Hiddekel, he crossed over and attacked him. He was waiting for 21 days. Daniel 10:4, and in the four and twentieth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great river, which is Hiddekel. In Genesis 2:14, you will find this river; And the name of the third river is HIDDEKEL: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria Back to Daniel 10, verse 5, Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz: Here, Daniel is talking about Jesus. Verse 6, His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.(the book of Revelation) Verse 7, And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.

When the coming of the Lord Jesus appears, you can’t stand His glory like what is going to happen in the next 25minutes. Many of you won’t be able to stand. When the Lord walks in this place, many of you will find yourselves on the floor and tears running down your eyes though you are not conscious of crying. Something will then begin to formulate in the inside of you which is called destiny. Verse 8, Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength. Verse 9, Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground. Daniel tells us, though sometimes people fall under the power of the Holy Ghost, and they look up because this is the New Testament, but in the Old Testament, because people were not yet covered by the BLOOD, there was no way you could look in the face of God. Because of the Blood we can look into the face of God. When we see Jesus, we can look into the Glory of God, and His eyes.

From today, you will see the Son of God. Jesus said, you will see the Son of man coming on the cloud of His glory [Luke 21:27]. You are about to see God removing your enemies and solving your problems. Back to Daniel 10, verse 10, And, behold, an HAND touched me; Anointing number five is going to touch you…, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands. Which means the man was flat of on the ground, but the hand set him on his knees and the palms of his hands. In other words, he was like an animal, on his knees and the palms on the ground. Verse 11, And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. Remember, he had no energy; his knee and palm were on the floor. Remember, I told you that the earth was given four anointings. So, when he was told to stand up, the Word made this weak man to stand up.

The hand of God which is anointing number 5 is going to make you to stand and take your position on this earth. Though you will be shaking because what God is calling you to do is so powerful, nobody in your family has ever done what you are about to do. Verse 12, Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. From today, God is going to show up when you speak. Verse 13, But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. The prince of Persia is lucifer. In other words, the angel said, I overcame lucifer, but I didn’t come to you. I did not deliver what you need. Twenty-one days I was delayed, and I didn’t bring it to you, but now I bring it to you… and from that day, Daniel was able to recover every vessel Babylon had stolen and he returned, and rebuilt Jerusalem. There’s an anointing that is coming on you and you shall rebuild your family, your life and what you have lost.

                                Rise your hands and grab that grace.

As I conclude this text; the bible says, then the chief princes, Machael came and helped him… If Jesus needed help, you need help. And the help of Jesus didn’t come from anybody, it came from heaven. After this anointing, now heaven is going to help you… say like you mean it, heaven, help me!

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   ©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries

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The Anointing of the hand [5]-2


5th Dimension Anointing with Pr. Robert Kayanja

Today 32years ago , what started as Will you marry me please say YES finally it happened. I became the most highly favored , ever increasing successful man As I became One with the most beautiful girl Jessica, Because of you the wind beneath my wings my best friend my Nalongo.

#The Anointing of the hand [5]-2

#Scripture reference: 1 Samuel 21:9

People of God, something is about to happen to you. If God has ever done a miracle for you, you better grab something, or jump and rejoice. If you have ever had a miracle, you are about to get it again. If you have ever got a breakthrough, you are about to get it again. If you have ever been anointed, you are about to be anointed again. If you have ever been used of God, you are about to be used again. If you have ever driven a car, you are about to drive a better one. If you have ever leaved a house, you are about to have yours. Something is already happening to some. I prophecy, I see it… something is already happening.

Whatever you have been going through may seem like a war, but it wasn’t a war. Whatever you are going through may seem to be the toughest, but it is not. The sword is now in your hand, and the devil is going to learn a lesson he will never forget. Satan is going to know that you are the ANOINTED; you are the next in line; you are next in position, and now, he is going to understand… the enemy has been chasing you, and now, you are going to turn around and chase him too. The hunter is being hunted. In the name of Jesus, that which has been hunting you, you are going to hunt it. I see it in Karamoja; hunger was chasing the Karamojong, and now, they are the ones chasing it…

                       Something is about to happen to someone.

Listen to this, why did David lose the sword, yet he took it from Goliath and cut his head off? He was ignorant because it had emblems of the gods of the philistines. What God gave him for free, he left it in the field. Many of you because you didn’t know that righteousness is a very powerful tool to use, you left it; that the anointing is your weapon, you left it because you didn’t want to be stack and covered with oil. You didn’t want to fall under the anointing, or the anointing to destroy your hair and suit, hence you left the very thing that determines the war and the enemy’s position in the field. But the priest knows that it is about capturing the weapons of the enemy.

God gives you the victory by giving you the weapons that the enemy has been using against you. And that’s why the enemy was using death and the grave, and Jesus took it back [1 Corinthians 15:55, Revelation 1:18]. The enemy was using snakes in Egypt to torment the Hebrews, and that’s why the snake of Moses swallowed them [Exodus 7:10-12]. God has given you a horn called Jesus Christ and salvation to destroy the horns of all these witches [Luke 1:6]. The second thing which David left the sword is that he was young and the sword was too heavy and said, I don’t need this, let me go and make a knife. Some of you, you have left because the anointing is too heavy, and many people have abandoned it instead of carrying it, hence becoming religious and motivational speakers because the anointing is heavy to carry.

The priest took the sword and hid it in the temple, and declared, this is our victory. Our God gave us the victory against the philistines. The only man who had ever used it against the enemy was David and he came. It had been wrapped in a clothe behind the ephod and the anointing. David said, no other like this one and he took the sword. Body of Christ, because we got saved, agriculture, innovation and science, sometimes they are too heavy, and we left them to the world, and focused on being holy and righteous. We have left the very weapons that the enemy is using on us now. Very rarely will you see a church talk about money for a whole year, and if you do, people will say, those are looking for miracles and prosperity and they are in the world. Tell me, what are you going to do on this earth that doesn’t consist money? Even to betray Jesus, Judah needed money [Matthew 26:14-15]. Because these things are too heavy, we have left them in the salvation field. We sing David has killed ten thousands, but where is the sword? [1 Samuel 18: 6-7].

As I conclude this text: after David ate the five loaves, he got the strength to carry the sword. You are going to carry the five anointings this time [1 Samuel 21:4].

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   ©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries

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The Anointing of the hand [5]-1


5th Dimension Anointing with Pr. Robert Kayanja

#The Anointing of the hand [5]-1

#Scripture reference: Isaiah 9:6

Abraham was a government. Whenever he heard that someone was captured, he sent his army [Genesis 14:14]. When people were hungry, he fed them. He had the power. He went to Egypt, and healed Pharaoh; he straightened his mind and introduced him to the Holy Spirit. Abraham encountered the old Pharaoh and taught him about God’s word that never steal people’s wives and never mess up with the marrieds. He prayed for him, and he got healed [Genesis 12:15-19].

The fourth generation Pharaoh dealt with Joseph, and this is what he said, “Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Holy Spirit is?” [Genesis 41:38]. How did Pharaoh know about the Holy Spirit? Abraham! God is going to give you opportunities to leave a legacy and knowledge everywhere you go, that people will remember the Spirit of God. The more blessed you are, the more people will know about your God.

John 5:2, Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having FIVE porches. God chose to send an angel to a pool which was dug by someone, and it had five porches where people could come and have good time or be healed. It was full of sick people because the angel used to come down to stir up the water, and whosoever came in first, was healed. One of the people who was healed was a man who had been on one of the porches for 38years. Why didn’t he go anywhere? Because whenever God sees number 5, He realizes His place of occupation. Do you know why He says He will bless the work of your hands? Five fingers [Deuteronomy 28:12]. Once He sees number 5, He says, “Now I have the ability to touch that person!” Your hands are about to be blessed of the Lord, and whatever you do.

I want you to see what God is going to give you to fight your battles. 1 Samuel 17:40, And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him FIVE smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine. The moment David chose those five stones, God joined them. The anointing joined those stones.

            On this fifth anointing, something is joining you.

What is joining you, it is divine, and it is going to kill every giant in your life; the giant of poverty, lack and sickness in Jesus’ name. Child of God, we all know, it wasn’t the stones. Those stones were in a brook before David came. They were stones when he picked them up. They were stones when he put them in his shepherd’s bag. They were stones when he slang them, and the moment he released the stone, it turned into a missile [1 Samuel 17:45-50]. Something joined David. The bible states, David went on and killed five more giants [2 Samuel 21:15-22].

            The anointing of giant killer is coming upon you right now.

The giants of lack, backwardness and poverty that have been in your community, slang them in the name of the Lord. It was in his hand; five fingers and five stones, and that was the government of God against the government of the Philistines. From today, you are going to see the government of God against your enemies, sickness, disease, poverty, and lack. The government of God is on you.

1 Samuel 21:3, Now therefore what is under thine hand? give me five loaves of bread in mine hand, or what there is present. David was being chased by Saul and reached a place called Nod, where the high priest was, and they were changing bread from the altar to the presence of God, and then they were eating it. He arrived when he was hungry after many days without eating. When he turned around, he asked, what do you have? “Give me FIVE loaves of bread.” David had three hundred men with him. So, what could five loaves of bread do to them? They gave him five loaves because that’s what they had. He broke them and fed 300 men, and they were satisfied… that’s why they say, Jesus is the Son of David, because Jesus did exactly what David did when he was given the five loaves and he multiplied it [Matthew 14:17-19, Luke 18:38-39]. When David’s men went, the high priest came out and gave David his sword which he had used to kill Goliath…

Child of God, when number five is involved, the weapon of warfare will be given back to you to remind you that God has ever used you before; to remind you that your God is not dead; to remind you that you are a giant killer. If you killed Goliath, for sure, you will also kill Saul [1 Samuel 21:9]. God is about to reveal to you the best sword to use. I know you have been fasting, giving, praying, but this time round, what is about to be given to you, you are about to hold it… you are going to cut the devil’s head off. David wasn’t a stranger to the sword. It is what he used to cut off Goliath.

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The Anointing of the hand


5th Dimension Anointing with Pr. Robert Kayanja

#The Anointing of the hand (5)

Genesis 47:2, And he took some of his brethren, even FIVE men, and presented them unto Pharaoh. Joseph was born with the twelve, but he took only five and presented them to Pharaoh. Not everyone around you is fit to go with you to your next level. Not everybody whom you grew up with or who seems to know you can go with you where you are celebrated…. You are about to get married, you cannot bring every cousin to your wedding… you are about to buy land and build a house, not everybody you studied with, should know your house? He took FIVE! WHY? They were ANOINTED! Because you have done all what you can, you must expand. Not everybody can go to a well and fetch water, but everyone can drink the water you have fetched. There are those who are going to enjoy your blessing, but they are not the ones to get the blessing…

Often times we go with people who will sabotage and delay the process, but you need to go with those who can help you bring more so that more will enjoy. Let’s go back to verse 1, Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen. Verse 2, And he took some of his brethren, even five men, and presented them unto Pharaoh. Verse 3, And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, What is your OCCUPATION? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both we, and also our fathers. In other words, for us we don’t change to anything; even when areas have changed, we don’t adapt. This is what we have known and what we are going to be.

Child of God, if you have people whose mindset is not going to transform, adapt, change, and realize that the first world bank was in Africa by Joseph and Pharaoh; if you don’t understand that the wealthiest continent in the next generation is going to be Africa; if people are not adapting to that and they are still stack where they are, you don’t have to go with them to introduce them to greatness. You can see how Pharaoh was when he had seen one of them. So wise that he (Joseph) had adapted from being a shepherd to a top agronomist, banker, and financier.

Pharaoh asked Joseph’s brothers what occupies them? What possesses them… what takes most of their time, and what is that which they had developed? Pharaoh didn’t ask for their jobs because they had left them, or ask for their qualification, but he asked for their occupation; what occupies you? Great people will never despise anybody. They only want to find out what makes you unique. When one of you joined us, things changed and money increased. Production went high and our peasants are no longer in the villages but rather in the cities; they are expanding. Pharaoh began to recognize the uniqueness of these people. They told Pharaoh, we are shepherds, and Pharaoh said in verse 4, They said morever unto Pharaoh, For to sojourn in the land are we come; for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks; for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan: now therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen. Goshen turned out to be a ghetto of slaves. Why didn’t they ask for a city? Why didn’t they say, Pharaoh, give us Joseph back? Because Joseph was the reason why things were changing in Egypt. He is also the reason why every promise God gave to Israel is now happening in Africa.

Once you don’t have the right people to go with you, when you go with them, they will ask stupid stuff. Choose who you will go with to your next appointment and trip, because you will be surprised. They will call someone in a conference or in a meeting, and say, what can we do for you? Some might ask for shoes while others ask for money… what is your occupation? Do you know that Joseph’s brothers brought him to Pharaoh? They brought the anointing to Pharaoh, and they brought him the animals. They brought one by one until all stuff belonged to Pharaoh.

When Joseph’s brothers first came to him, he gave them food (seed) and their money; implying that their money will not end up in Egypt, “take it back…” and what his brothers did, they started to eat the entire seed which he gave them, and they came back. This time, he arrested them. Without the anointing, you don’t know what God gives you back. If God has ever given you back your life from HIV, Covid, or wars, and He has given you another chance, ask Him, why did you give me this one back? He gave them the money and the cone, and they brought themselves back. He took them to meet Pharaoh and ask for positions like Daniel was, for them they decided to settle down in the land God never gave them. God never gave them Egypt. By the way, as I begin to study about Canaan, I wonder if God really gave them that land, or He gave it to them and they failed to keep it…

                         Our God is going to give you your own land.

When you see the anointing of the five, it separated the other brothers and took only the five. Also, the five, I don’t know what they were asking… however they got land temporarily to settle on. So, be careful who you go with.  

Genesis 45:22, To all of them he gave each man changes of raiment; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver, and five changes of raiment. Everybody changed their Canaan clothes into Egyptian clothes, but Benjamin, he gave him five different clothes to wear. This is a son of his mother. Clothes represent ANOINTING, and today, you are receiving five different anointings. Amazingly, he also gave him three pieces of silver. To redeem mankind, we only needed 30 pieces of silver, but Benjamin had ten times the price that redeemed the whole world [Matthew 26:14-15]. God today, He is giving you ten times ability, and resources.

                                 May God multiply your money ten times.

In other words, the redemptive power, the ability to resurrect your business and to do better, the redemptive plan is ten times better than that which has been working in the world.

Exodus 26:3, The five curtains shall be coupled together one to another; and other five curtains shall be coupled one to another. In other words, in the temple of Solomon and Moses, there were curtains, and they could be joined together by five. Curtains do two things; they cool the house, beautify it, but also, they stop the sun from coming in. they refuse unnecessary temperature to come in. They also shield you from the public from seeing you. The curtains in the temple separated man from God. When Jesus died, it was torn from the top to the bottom [Matthew 27:51].

God joins five – five because number five is so significant to Him. when you have five and five, you have ten. Ten is a number of the government. So, when God wants to bless you, He makes you a government. Many of you have seen governments in Uganda, they come and go, but this is what Isaiah says, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the GOVERNMENT shall be upon his SHOULDER: [Isaiah 9:6]. When Jesus saves you, He puts you on His shoulder. You the believer, you are Jesus’ rank. The more ranks He gets on His shoulder, the greater the man. Jesus has billions and billions of souls on His shoulder. That’s why we call Him the Savior. He makes you a government whereby you have everything: protection, land, and productivity. When people come at your house, you are a government. When you are lending and never borrowing, you are a bank. When you are protecting and never threatened, you are an army.

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The Anointing


Mid-Week Service with Ps. Robert Kayanja | AUG- 16th– 2023

#The Anointing

Technology is a proof that man fell, and he needs an external force to support him in order to carry out what was ours by nature. We see this in the life of Daniel when he was thrown in the lion’s den, which had not eaten for three days. And because of the ANOINTING upon his life, the lions couldn’t open their mouths to eat him [Daniel 6:17]. In fact, they came and hugged him. Caves are very cold places. He never had a blanket to cover himself and that’s when these lions came and surrounded him just like dogs. They brought their feir and Daniel laid his head on it until morning. People of God, things that are killing others, you are going to rule over them [Daniel 6:19-24].

We see the life of Moses. He was put on an ark of bulrushes and placed on river Nile which had swallowed every Hebrew boy; their skulls and bones were beneath the river [Exodus 2:3]. Crocodiles were feasting, then comes a bulrush ark; they could have kicked it, but who was pushing it? It was the ANOINTING. The anointing pushed it directly where it was supposed to go. Child of God, sicknesses and diseases that have killed your siblings, Ugandans, and have destroyed their businesses, because of the anointing, you shall be preserved.  

Moses was a product of the anointing. A son of Levi met a daughter of Levi… double anointing and that was him [Exodus 2:1]. Moses was anointed by destiny and birth that at three months, he flipped the whole coin. The daughter of Pharaoh had to come to the river where the blood of innocent boys was [Exodus 2:5]. The anointing upon your life means you have a destiny, and your destiny will draw people from a far to come to your rescue.

When trouble came in the days of Noah, this is what God told him. I don’t want you to climb trees or to go anywhere because I AM flooding the whole earth, and this is where I want you to go. These are the measurements, this is the depth, and the height. Child of God, we are living everywhere we want to live, when God literally wants to place us where He wants us to live because He is a respecter of no persons [Genesis 6:15]. The only thing that can define where you should live or what you should do is not these universities or your clan or nationality or your everything, it is the ANOINTING.

Karamojongs have been running away from their place coming to Kampala to beg; why coming to Kampala which doesn’t grow any food? The people of Kampala depend on others, but now the ANOINTING is opening their eyes that they can do better. Money can find them in Karamoja.

                                    Money is about to find you here in Uganda.

In the book of Acts 17:26 he says, And He has made from one [a]blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the BOUNDARIES OF THEIR DWELLINGS. Child of God, where you are, you are about to become a billionaire. Say like you mean it, “I am in the right place.” What is the determiner, and what is the enforcer? He is the Holy Ghost! It is the ANOINTING. The Holy Spirit will enforce the promises of God. He will determine that the things around you start to respond to who you are.

Child of God, Adam had to be removed from that place which God had planted for him, because he fell [Genesis 2:8, Genesis 3:23]. That place (the garden), Adam had failed. That place failed to support Adam. In other words, there was a coup-d’etat in the leadership of Adam. The snake became smarter than him. Yes, it was cunning before and Adam was in-charge of it, he never even allowed it to speak but why did it speak to him? Because it had an enforcer. It had a determiner. In the ground, God blocked and shut it down, and said, get out! You have lost here, and you can’t win. You have no power [Genesis 3].

Esau was a first born, and he was a great man in hunting, but in his ground as the first born, hunger caused him to sell his birth-right, thus the ground was no longer for him. He was defeated in his father’s house, and he lost. As a first born, he would have used his power to command the ravens to bring him food according to the God of Abraham. He would have commanded things to happen [Genesis 25:27-30]. Abraham was hungry and because he was in his position after he had fought the war, the bible says, a man came, Melechizedek who has no beginning or end, and brought him bread and wine to eat [Genesis 14:18]. Child of God, your position or place can cause people to come from a far and they will come to your rescue.

You must understand that the Holy Spirit and the Anointing is the determiner and the enforcer. Everybody may be a witch, but you are going to rule over them. That’s why this Thursday is very crucial in your life because you are going to receive a hand over you: the hand of God Jehovah and the hand of the Enforcer. It will pull your file where they hid it and bring it on the table where it is supposed to be. So, how do you know which place to be in? the scripture says, He has DETERMINED boundaries where people should live because they are all from one blood.

People of God, there’s something about Africa and Uganda respectively which I can’t explain, but this year, 2023, by the time we reach December 31st, and begin number “twenty-four (24)” which is the twenty-four elders, you are about to see the apostolic anointing in leadership and finance coming upon someone [Revelation 4:4]. You are about to see heaven invading your space.

Say like you mean it, Dear God, I want your five-fold ministry and the five-fold anointing to handle, to receive and to have in the name of Jesus.

Ezekiel said, and the hand of the Lord was upon me… move your hand over yourself and declare, the hand of the Lord is upon me. Ezekiel 37:1, The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones. You watch, after these five anointings (the five-dimension anointing), the Holy Spirit and the hand of God are going to move you where you will see great wonders of God.

Ezekiel said, the hand of the Lord was upon him. What about Elijah? They were praying for the rain, and what did God show him? A cloud like a HAND OF MAN, and he said to his servant, let us get ready, rain is coming [1 Kings 18:44]. Whenever you see the hand of God, drought stops, and it begins to rain.

                                      It is going to rain financially in your life.

Child of God, it is Elijah who stopped the rain, but he is not the one who caused it to rain [James 5:17]. It was the HAND OF GOD. There’s a great lesson here… anybody may have blocked your blessings, but it is going to take the hand of God to flee you.

As I conclude this message, there’s a place where God wants you to live… the debt free place, no stress place and heaven on earth place.

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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                         ©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries