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Blessed Assurance


The man Noah. Feb-18th-2021

I believe the grace of God is going to sustain you in these times. We are living in unprecedented times if it’s not covid-19, it’s death or weather. What’s happening in America today, people have no homes. Some of them are dying because of the freezing temperature. Others are dying because of carbonmonoxide. We are living in times where you wander, what’s going on. 

Today I was talking to some of the leaders and I was sharing with them and they were sharing with me. I realized frankly speaking the globe – the earth is under attack. It’s under attack by the demonic world and by a satanic force. People are dying because of the weather and they didn’t even know. People who think they are experts of weather didn’t even warn America about the snow breeze and ice. They didn’t warn America with all their knowledge. Now three days people have no power. Think about those who didn’t buy food. Think about those who waited on the government to give them food and they didn’t get it.

People of God, anything can happen anytime that you have not prepared for. Banks are closed, and everything is not normal. The weather is extreme in certain parts of the world, diseases and sickness are somewhere else. People of God, we need something more strong to still hold-on than what we have been holding onto. We need the blessed assurance. It’s like world insurance is no longer working anymore. We need the blessed assurance and the power of God. We need the promises of God that cannot fail. Child of God, it’s very true, we need the promises of God that cannot fail. So if you depended on going to work today in Texas or Louisiana, you can’t. The storm is raging on the west coast, and the coast of Mozambique dumping heavy rains and storms in the area. In the other parts of Africa, the heat is so high. People of God, you wander to yourself, what can I hold onto? There’s a blessed assurance.

When we trust in the Lord and He becomes our shepherd, He says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” [Hebrews 13:5]. He said, He will be with us in times of trouble” [Psalms 50:15]. For He is our God, our saviour and our redeemer. We trust in the Lord. We believe in Him. We acknowledge His presence, for He is mighty and powerful, and nothing is too difficult for Him. Therefore, trust in the Lord and get to know Him more, and His promises. That’s what God has told us. 

If you can hear me, “agriculture is going to be the most important investment anybody can do; providing food for your family and your neighbors.” It’s going to be the number one thing. Whatever way you slice it, it will end up with agriculture. Whatever you are going to touch or do, it will end up in agriculture. Child of God, you hear me, that’s where God is speaking to me and that’s what I am seeing.  It doesn’t end there people of God. Helping the poor is going to be your way out. Your rescue is going to be in helping and feeding those who are hungry. The only thing when God will stay with you is when you’re… Look at the way the Lord told us how to pray and tell me if I am wrong. Matthew 6:9-13, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

But if you really look at it from the top, and you’re coming down, it’s about finding a moment where people will glorify God. Go to the homes of the homeless. Go to the places of those who don’t have food. How can they glory God? They can only do that when they receive something in the name of the Lord. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. So whenever you come to the poor, the needy, the sick, those in prison, those lacking, in the name of the Lord, something incredible happens. 

You’re blessed, and blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. So this is the time to go in the name of the Lord, not in your name or my name but in the name of the Lord and that’s where the blessing is. Matthew 21:9, And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed [is] he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.  Child of God, when you go in the name of the Lord and you touch the poor, the sick, the lacking and the hungry, you’re blessed. This is how you transfer and walk into the Hosanna blessing. And I believe there’s a Maranatha blessing and the Hosanna one. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. So child of God, we are going out in the name of the Lord. We are going to go out every day to feed the hungry and to help those who don’t have; to bring joy to those who don’t have it. That’s why I want you to go out today (Thursday) and reach out to the house of the needy. 

Do you know what Covid-19 has done? It has put out 1.6billion children including young people from universities to kindergarten out of school since march last year (2020), globally! Many of these children and young people used to have their meals at school and now they are at home, and who knows what is happening? So Satan is trying to kill you because he knows that he has a little time. He will kill through hunger, sickness, and we are forgetting about other diseases like cancer, Tuberculosis, sickle cell; like accidents, like murder. The devil is on the killing spot. If he doesn’t kill you by snow, he will kill you by heat. And people are dying without knowing Jesus Christ, because we cannot preach anymore (crusades), apart from Television and Radio. We can’t reach out. 

People of God, it’s time for us to stand on the promises of God that cannot fail, and those are the promises of Jehovah. Blessed assurance is where we are standing. 

Tomorrow is Friday (Feb-19-2021) and we shall be celebrating 150 days of prayer and Daniel fasting, and we are pursuing the man Noah, and I have a powerful message for you at 5pm.  Those coming to be with us, I SHALL anoint you with oil, we shall take holy communion, but much more, it was 150 days and that’s what the bible tells us, and the water began to come down. I really believe tomorrow (Friday), the waters of life, the waters of destruction, calamities and situations are going to come down. I feel it, I know it and I believe God for it. 

I believe God, whatever that tried to kill you or throw you off will start abating in the name of Jesus. You know water represent spirits. It may be demonic spirits, spirit of anger, spirit of jealous, spirit of witchcraft, spirit of tribalism, spirit of war, spirit of violence,… whatever it is, it’s coming down. So we give God the glory and we praise His name. I know for sure, the waters are coming down. To God be the glory.

I know tonight, we are finishing this obedience (of feeding the hungry) and to me this is not just a number, No, this is our goal that we set because we want to be the 7000 prophets, the remnants. We are not ready to die; not like this. We resist the devil and he will flee from us. We plead the blood of Jesus. We call upon the name of the Lord. Our God is the SAME yesterday, today and forever. We believe in His grace. We uphold His mercy. We hold onto the promises of God. Devil, you’re a liar. We are not going out like this, No! Our nation is going to be freed. We are going to preach the gospel again. We are going to lift the name of Jesus. We are going to exalt His name. Shame on you devil. Get out of our homes, our relatives and our friends. For the presence of God is coming out stronger and stronger in Jesus’ mighty name, amen. 

Today is a very crucial day in our fasting and we have reached on the day of Genesis chapter 8 when the water began to abate and come down. Genesis 8:3 reads, And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. Noah waited for another forty days. He sent forth a raven which never came back. He then sent forth a dove and it came back. And he waited for another seven days [Genesis 8: 6-12]. People of God, we have been waiting and now we have reached, and I am telling you, something good is about to happen to somebody today in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank you Lord for your mercy, for your love, for your goodness, we will forever bless Your name in Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

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© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries