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Be a Good Receiver


# 77 Days of Glory

John 3:16; John 1:1-10

Beloved, God loves you. Hear what John 3:16 tells us, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Tell the person next to you, God loves Uganda, and He loves Africa. Child of God no matter how MTN may be in terms of connectivity but if it has no good receivers, it cannot be better. Oftentimes We believers are good receivers in certain areas like salvation but when it comes to areas of abundance, prosperity and delivering others, we are bad receivers, yet God wants us to be good receivers.

Lift your hands and declare: Lord make me a good receiver. May the Lord open doors and give you divine money. May God make you a marketer that money will find you. Recently I found a scripture that says, God shines His face on us [Numbers 6:25]. God loves you. No matter how broken you are, He is ready to build you up. THE KEY TO DEMONSTRATE THAT YOU ARE A GOOD RECEIVER IS TO BE A GOOD GIVER. Before you receive you first give. In other words, for you to be a good receiver, you must be a good giver.

God saw that His Son was going to save the whole world, and He gave Him to us to die for our sins. When you let Go of your sin, God becomes your sin. When you let Go of anything in your life, God becomes God in your life. Child of God, you must receive the grace of God, and something good is about to happen to you. Therefore, the key is in giving and receiving. You must give in your sins; you must repent and surrender such that you may receive God’s gift of salvation through Christ Jesus.

The devil has told us that we can receive without giving. Even Jesus to be betrayed to die for us, Judas had to be first be GIVEN his 30 pieces of silver. When you study John 1:1-10, you realize that all things were made through Him who was given to us. Get this well: when we received Jesus, we did not know what we had received, yet all things were created through Him. I declare, you are going to create things with Him.

Child of God, do you know what you received? Tell your neighbor, do you know what is next to you? The scripture says, In Him is life, and that life is the light of men [John 1:4]. Your life in Jesus is the light of men. As you get closer to God, people shall follow you. His life is the life of men. May God give you abundant life.

I remember during the Soroti Miracle Crusade, we experienced a terrible storm. When our team came to capture the picture of the storm which was coming from a certain tree, in that very tree was a bright light that came to safeguard us. Surprisingly also, the sun was coming out, and behind our stage were two white people. NOTE this: in our crusades, we do not allow people behind our stage because that is where our equipment is. It later came to my mind that God is everywhere were His people are. I declare every storm in your life is ending today. People of God, Jesus is the light of the world. The problem with us we do not know what God gave us. He was in the world and the world knew Him not [John 1:10].

Beloved, you have the maker of all things but why are you in crying? John 1:11 tells us that He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. This is very painful, His own knew Him not. They did not receive Him. You mulookole, the level of knowing God, you left it and now, you are at the level of receiving Him. You must receive the word, the anointing and abundance. God first gave us His word in 2016 that abundance is coming. In 2017 there was a drought; darkness came in because the devil wanted to fight the word. Beloved, God is going to destroy every drought in your life in Jesus’ name.

As I conclude: since January 2018, there has been abundant rains and people have grown crops. Tell your neighbor, in 18months I am walking out of Egypt with my people. For God so loved the world that He gave. What did He give? He gave us His Son.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries