We have been talking about the seven spirits of God from Revelation 5, and it says that He is worthy to receive; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing. And in verse 13, we realized that the earth gave back to God blessing, honour, glory and power while riches, wisdom and strength stayed operating on the earth. The bible says the people who know their God shall be strong, and we have been dealing with STRENGTH [Daniel 11:32b]. You get strength from the joy of the Lord [Nehemiah 8:10b]. Pleasing the Lord makes you strong, and strength is revealed in health and wealth. Strength [Health and wealth] is one of the blessing of Abraham according to Galatians 3:13-14.
The Lamb of God gives us three things; the cross which represents the blood, the name and the spirit. So when you have Jesus, you have life [John 10:10b]. Life is about health and wealth. Health is the purpose and wealth is the assignment; both health and wealth mean strength, hence you cannot be very wealthy as a nation when your health system is weak. Health comes from the presence of God, and that is why Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.” The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is our healer. The world is sick more than it has ever been before, and there has never been a man who brought more healing like Jesus; today, we witness the crunches and wheelchairs in this place of those that were healed by Him. He is the One who gives health whether you like it or not. In Exodus 15:26[c] He says, “For I [am] the LORD that healeth thee.” Health comes from the presence of God and it’s divine. You come as you are and He heals you.
God is gonna heal your mind, finances, and if it’s your business which is sick, you don’t need a bank, you need Jesus; if your marriage is what is sick, you don’t need a marriage counselor, you need God to heal your marriage. Mr. President, if the economy is sick, try Jesus and He will fix it. If you want to fix any problem, bring in Jesus. When you bring back Jesus, you have brought back God. I therefore, call upon business men and women to get back to Jesus so that we can build up our economy. The bible says, “Blessed [is] the nation whose God [is] the LORD; [and] the people [whom] he hath chosen for his own inheritance” [Psalm 33:12]; “If my people, which are called by my name…” God has ‘people’ and ‘His people.’ He is the only ONE who gives you identity; “as many as believed on Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God” [John 1:12]. God wants to keep and bless you and your children. Have you ever realized why He said, He will bless you! Because He wants to be involved in your life, and once He is involved, He will give you that which is feary [Numbers 6:24-26]. When Jesus came on earth, He was holy, righteous, carried our sins and when the devil saw that, he became furious, so that he could kill Him but when Jesus said, “Father, let Your will be done”, he [the devil] lost it.
Listen: healing is divine and that is your purpose in life. Health is wealth; health is the greatest gift God has given you, that’s why you must stay away from coronavirus. God wants to keep and protect you. Health is the purpose why you should live. Jesus said, “The reason I have been born, the reason I have come into the world, is to bear witness to the truth” [John 18:37 CJB]. Your purpose is to praise God because the dead don’t praise Him. Purpose is the ‘reason’ why you’re here. In John 12:27 Jesus reveals to us His purpose; “but for this purpose I came to this hour.”
God gives assignments to healthy people. He created Adam in His image but Adam never fell sick. For the 33 years Jesus stayed on earth, He never fell sick and the bible says in Matthew 12:15, “…and great multitudes followed Him and He healed them all.” Your wealth is the assignment (mission); “Go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature” [Mark 16:15]; Jesus commanded His disciples not to depart from Jerusalem but wait for the Holy Ghost to come upon them [Acts 1:4]. You cannot carry out your purpose without an assignment. You must understand purpose and Assignment. God will give you an assignment which will reveal to you your purpose. David was given cheese and crackers to take to his brothers; his assignment was to go and meet his brothers but when he reached the battle field, there came a Philistine general who was provoking the God of Israel hence David’s purpose was revealed. Purpose is what gives you longitivity, and God has given you this time as an assignment to reveal the purpose of your family.
The assignments God gives you is what creates your wealth. Assignment is for a season and purpose is for a life time. Wealth is created by the power of God [Deuteronomy 8:18]; Wealth is a creature and we must obey the Assignment that God has given us. Assignment will get you paid and you shall receive bonuses. When you do the assignment that God gives you, your purpose is revealed [Isaiah 58:7-12]. Covenants are established by wealth [Deuteronomy 8:18]. I now know why the covenants of God are not yet established because the healthy believers are not wealth creators, they are wealth consumers. Your health and wealth is to establish God’s covenant; Jesus’ covenant was established when He crushed the serpent’s head. Wealth establishes covenants by obeying what God’s prophets say [2 Chronicles 20:20]. Your assignment is like a seed and it reveals your nakedness, fears, boldness, heart. This lockdown is an assignment but this assignment is revealing purpose.
Now how do you create wealth? You must believe God and His message, Jesus and the promises; you need a seed, season and soil; you need the Holy Spirit because he reveals what you should be doing and he will comfort you. When you believe the Holy Spirit, you get strengthened; you need time. Jesus said, “the time has come.” You need time to develop that idea; you need the seven spirits of God and they are different from the Holy Spirit. They are the anointings that will help you know markets, what to do and what not to do.
Don’t forget next week on Friday [May 22, 2020] we bring you a worship experience right there in the comfort of your home with Todd Dulaney “Victory Belongs to Jesus”. Tune in to Channel 44 Television and the Robert Kayanja Ministries digital media platforms and you will be blessed.
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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department