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Mid-Week Service with Ps. Robert Kayanja | July 26th, 2023 | WHCGA – United States

We have been talking about God speaking to us through visions and dreams, and one of the components we have forgotten as believers is that everything we like or adore, someone dreamt or thought about it, and the difference is they took their dreams seriously. They put things together. Someone would have told queen Sheba, or she dreamt about Solomon [1 Kings 10:1-13].

Today I want to share with you about something that will overcome demonic powers, and every force of darkness which is designed to rail you off your destiny. Its not a good feeling to be left behind. And the church feels sorry for the rapture, but the thought of it that you are going to be left behind is terrifying. I believe that the Lord today will cause us to enter a realm of prayer such that we pull the future into the present.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are eternal. What God did for others; He will do for you. I seriously believe that we have not taken time to look at scriptures and say, Lord, where will I fit in? How do I solve this problem?

You should read four chapters of the book of Psalms and one chapter for Proverbs such that you can build your spiritual life at a level you have never been before. Take it as a daily devotion to read five chapters a day and your life will be changed.

King David was a man who was born when his parents were old. When you are a child of an old age, you either get spoilt or you spoil yourself. Those who are born in the youthful age, they grow with their parents. What they eat, you eat, and where they go, you go, but when you are born when your parents are older, you are going to raise your parents if you are not serious. David was like that; his parents were older because the bible says, he was left behind as a young lad while his older brothers had gone to the battlefield to fight which means there was an age difference between David and his siblings. They were older and couldn’t understand him and that’s why he was left behind [1 Samuel 17:12-14].

David was a child of an old age of his parents. They were willing to go and fight and not David. They created a little project for him of taking care of the little sheep [1 Samuel 17:34-36]. If your family is a family of soldiers and they choose you to stay at home, you must understand, they either love you or they hate you. I don’t know what happened to Jesse that he forgot his son who was to become a great leader [1 Samuel 16:11-13]. David finds God or God finds David? Who found David? God found a king in David, and the anointing found David who was a boy [1 Samuel 13:14, 1 Samuel 16:13].

God tells Samuel, “Go and fill your horn with oil” [1 Samuel 16:1]. So, there are good horns and bad horns. Fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons. So, David raised through the ranks by the anointing. The anointing caused him to start killing lions and bears [1 Samuel 17:36].

Why is Jesus subsequently known as the son of David? We all know Jesus as the Son of God, but a blind man shouted, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me [Luke 18:38]. Jesus stopped, and if it wasn’t true…He would have kept walking. How do you live 1500 years before Jesus comes and yet, of all Israel, they don’t call this Miracle working Son of anybody but you? People know how to live now and in the future; how do I live impacting the generations? How do I live impacting my legacy around? How do I live affecting society? How do I determine where my grandchildren are going to go?

Today, it’s very difficult for you to leave an inheritance for your children. An inheritance, I am not talking about cars and money; those come and go, but something that can remain for others to follow. The moment you die, your children cry three kinds of tears;

  • what happens to all humans when someone they know dies. Whether you are related or not, you all cry… oh sorry.
  • They are going to miss you.
  • It’s a tear of joy. You have gone so quick and now they are going to spend your money. You have left them something to enjoy.

David in his own way, he had not yet gotten a son. He had sons somehow somewhere, but he had not gotten the one to seat on the throne. The anointing fell upon him, he did what I call prophetic projections and prayers; projecting what he wanted to see in the future and telling the future that this is what I want.

Today, with artificial intelligence (AI), people are surprised, that you can even do that. The bible owns the copy right and the Christians don’t use it, that’s why we are broke and sometimes confused. Bill Gates picks up one word in the bible (windows) and he becomes a billionaire, yet you keep that same bible in your house, and you can’t pick out any word.

David realizes something because he is a man of war, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to understand this, that the God you serve, is the God of war [Exodus 15:3]. He is the God of love and peace if you come to Him, but if you oppose Him, He will kill you; He will crush you. He doesn’t need matches. So, David realized that if he does not birth the next king through prayer, intimacy with God, through intercession and dedication, there will be no king. There would be a king but not God’s will king.

People of God and pastors, we should never be surprised when we go to elections and someone else goes through. We would have determined that in prayer prophetically, and say, this is what we are going to get. With Artificial Intelligence, they can now determine the kind of kid you will have, but why should we be shocked and surprised? The reason why we think the Holy Spirit is only to help us and jump around, feel good, speak in tongues, and yet we don’t know that the Holy Spirit is Holy. Who is Holy? God [1 Peter 1:15-16]. God is Holy and He is a Spirit [John 4:24]. When you put them together, you end up with Holy Spirit. Once He comes upon you, you will know what is coming…

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The Place


Sunday 3rd service with Pr. Robert Kayanja

#Working with God

13th – AUG -2023

Genesis 2:8, And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. Child of God, there’s a place where God doesn’t want you to stay or to be… I know most of you have done everything, but the problem is, things are not changing. It may not be you or anybody else, but it’s the place where you are. The place you are is not only geographical but also mental, philosophical, and financially. Yeah, the place may be physical, and remember that Adam was kicked out of the garden, and he began to struggle [Genesis 3:23].

                                     God occupies places and territories.

God took time to plant a garden for man and He put in rivers and gold because He didn’t want His image to in live in that terrible situation [Genesis 2:12]. So, you as a child of God who was saved by His blood and grace cannot be where you are… Grace is going to take you to a better place. There is a place that God wishes you to be! A place of diseases, sickness, poverty, sorrow, witches, God doesn’t want you to stay there. The bible says God will take you to a wealthy place [Psalms 66:12].

                                 Miracle Centre, get ready! We are going to our place!!

The anointing in this place performs miracles and opens doors. It cannot leave you as a mediocre. The anointing in this place is going to separate you and distinguish you from ordinary people and from troubles.

God planted a garden where He could come at the cool of the day. God wants to put you somewhere such that He can come and pay you a visit [Genesis 3:8]. Remember in the life of Abraham, he was with God in Egypt, Canaan and everywhere, but when he reached a place where God wanted him to be, then God came and visited him [Genesis 18]. Ever since we got born-again, we have not been to that place where He wants us to be. God says, you will lend nations and never borrow; you shall be the head and not the tail [Deuteronomy 15:6]. You are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus [2 Corinthians 5:21].

         I decree and declare that this is the year you are entering a place where God wants you to be.

2 Corinthians 5:21, For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Say like you mean it, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.” In Psalms 66:12, He says, Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a WEALTHY PLACE. Brethren, you have gone through it all, but this time round, God is taking you to a wealthy place. Say like you mean it, “Lord, you are taking me to a wealthy place!” That’s where He desires you to be. How does He take you there? He made Jesus a sin such that you might become righteous. The way that is taking you into wealth, is that same way that took Abraham and David into wealth. And it is the way of righteousness.

                         Say, I have placed my feet on the path of righteousness.

Righteousness is not about your looks or garments, but it is a broad thing. That’s why the first thing God gave to Abraham was righteousness [Genesis 15:6]. Remember in Malachi 4:2, the scriptures say, But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

“What I have discovered in agriculture, you plant in the dry season. You clear the ground and then plant, such that when the rain comes, you seed shall popup quicker, and when the weed comes, it is completely covered. In America they don’t weed because they understand the power of the sun; the rays of the sun that they cause germination.”

The Lord says, when the sun of righteousness shines on you, in the insides of you, there are seeds that are going to germinate. Once righteousness shines on you, they will see wealth and wisdom coming out of you. Once the sun of His righteousness shines on you, the people who thought that you are dry; there’s nothing in you, and you are just an ordinary Christian, the blood of Jesus left a seed in you, and you are an overcomer. They are about to see what they have never seen before.

As I conclude this text: the first thing Abraham received was righteousness such that everything within him might come out….

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©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries

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Walking with God


9th – AUG -2023, Mid-week service with Pr. Robert Kayanja

Recap: When you walk with God, you become like Him because everything that is with God becomes like God. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God [John 1:1].

Jesus said in John 17, the glory I had with You, I have given it to them. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one [John 17:22]. You can’t walk with God without the glory or presence. You can’t walk with God, and you remain the same. Declare, I am going to walk with God.

When you walk with God, in His presence there’s fulness of joy and at His right hand are His pleasures forever more [Psalm 16:11]. As you walk with God, you are going to be a happy person. As you walk with Him, you are going to have divine speed. In fact, when He is walking, you shall be running because His footsteps are not like yours which means He is going to take you where you have never been before [Isaiah 55:8]. It is not Him walking with you, but you, walking with Him.

Sometimes when you walk with people; they talk a lot, they fluctuate you and even give you bad reports, but when you walk with God, every step you take is thy kingdom comes [Matthew 6:10]. Every step you take with God is victory over the enemy. When you are walking with God, something incredible is about to happen to you.

God is a Spirit. So, when I am walking with God, and God is invisible, people see me moving faster. They don’t see God, but they see me at the speed of God. Once they see something they like, they will start following me. Peter caught nothing, but the moment he fished with Jesus, the fish came [Luke 5:6]. When you are with God, money, favor, blessings, wisdom, and understanding will come to you. Not at your speed but at the Lord’s speed. Things are going to come your way at His speed.

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth [John 4:24]. Which means God is invisible. They are going to see you start something and build it in just months; you go somewhere, and things work out speedily. Say like you mean it, I am on divine speed.

                     You have now entered the realm of divine speed of God.

There are people who say, it will take 20 years for Uganda to be like Dubai or 50 years for Uganda to be like New York, I have bad news for you; it is going to take God’s speed! I have bad news for those who have been saying that it will take you 20 years to buy a car, build a house, and get money, by the God of Isaac, this is your year! You are going to walk with Him. Those who thought that it will take you months to start, they are going to be shocked. In just weeks, they will find you far away…

As I conclude this text: say, I am walking with God. Lord, walk me in your glory, presence, and anointing. Ask the Lord to walk you through…may the Lord walk you through His power, provision and anointing.

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Mid-week service with Pr. Robert Kayanja

#Visions and Dream

9th – AUG -2023

Scripture reference: Zechariah chapter 1

We have been talking about how God speaks to us through dreams and visions. Some of the visions are going to be ongoing or a crisis somewhere or a need somewhere, and you will start by responding and that will turn into a bigger vision. It will open people’s eyes and it will cause them to change their behaviour patterns. It might start as a problem, but God is going to take you to another level because He moves us from glory to glory [2 Corinthians 3:18].

Most of us in the body of Christ today are stuck in what we know. So, God speaks to us on the slumbering upon our beds [Job 33:15]. He seals the dreams and the visions, and then tells you things that you probably don’t know [Job 33:16]. I hear people say, “when I came out of that dream, I don’t know where I was; I was somewhere else with different people.” Some even narrate that I see myself with the dead, the snakes and so forth, without knowing that God is getting what He said about you. That’s why, for a long time, the church was misled to believe that God only speaks to those who are in church.

Remember, the scripture says, the earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof [Psalm 24:1]. I didn’t know that the Lord would speak to us through Karamoja. Child of God, I have heard the voice of the Lord clearly through the crisis that was in Karamoja and now we are seeing a bigger vision concerning food, storage, resources, people and where God wants to take His church. But it began as a problem. So, the problem you have is driving you in the grace of God.

The book of Zechariah chapter 1 reveals to us the four carpenters. Noah had a problem; the end of all flesh had come, and he was one of the people to die, and guess what happened, he saw grace in the eyes of God [Genesis 6:8]. Eyes are visions, and through the vision that the Lord gave you, you are about to see grace. Grace is unmerited favour. There was a crisis; God said, the end of all flesh has come to an end including you, Noah I am talking too. Noah knew that he was going to die [Genesis 6:13].

Genesis 6:13, And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. The earth was filled with violence through man. Which means, the lions were not supposed to be violent; everything you see violent was not meant to be so…they became violent because of man.

Verse 14, Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. Verse 8 states how Noah found grace in the sight of God. So, what is grace? But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. When he found grace, what did he do with it? Verse 9, These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. This is what grace does? Verse 10, And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Grace perfects your ways. Grace gives you a chance to walk with God. Are you ready to walk with God? I want to see people who are ready to walk with God. God does not walk at your speed or on your plan. If you are going to walk with Him, it means wherever He goes, you are ready to go.  And remember, He has told you, For I know the plans I have for you; plans to do you good [Jeremiah 29:11]. God is going to do you good. I have never seen people who walk with God, and they are defeated by the devil or by the bad people. Declare, I am walking with God.

Once you walk with God, everything will obey you and Satan cannot come your way. When you walk with God, diseases will run away, and poverty will leave far.

When you walk with God, you become like Him because everything that is with God becomes like God or become God. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God [John 1:1].

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The Holy Spirit


KENYA, Are you READY?? NAIROBI CITY, are you READY for the great encounter with the Holy Spirit in Miracles, Signs and Wonders? The 77 Days of Glory Anointing is Coming to Nairobi – Kenya.

Join Pastor Robert Kayanja from the Miracle Centre Cathedral Kampala – Uganda LIVE in Nairobi City at Nyayo Stadium from 2nd Aug to 4th Aug 2023.

Miracles, Signs and Wonders will happen. The blind will see, the lame will walk, the deaf will hear, the oppressed shall be set free, witchcraft and strongholds shall be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

Remember, it’s no longer a secret, what God has done for others, He will surely do for you, and He has a miracle with your name written on it.

Mid-week Service with Evangelist Daniel Du Toit with– 26th. July.2023

I want to encourage you tonight, from the beginning, yield and surrender to the Holy Spirit. If you don’t yield to the Holy Spirit tonight, you won’t yield to Him out there. The way you yield to the Holy Spirit in a meeting like this, is the way how you will yield to the will of God out there. It’s important you begin to be hungry, thirsty, ready, and be waiting for an encounter with the loving God. God is looking for people that will simply yield themselves and put their lives on the altar.

Tonight, there will be much joy because in His presence there is fullness of joy [Psalm 16:11]. Declare, Joy! The bible doesn’t say that there will be fullness of sorrow or serious people, but JOY…hallelujah. God is looking for people who have Joy. God doesn’t use sad people. Some people complain why God doesn’t use them? Begin to smile because when you get into His presence, there’s joy.

Ezekiel 47:1, Then he brought me back to the door of the [a]temple; and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, for the front of the temple faced east; the water was flowing from under the right side of the temple, south of the altar. Verse 2, He brought me out by way of the north gate, and led me around on the outside to the outer gateway that faces east; and there was water, running out on the right side. Verse 3, And when the man went out to the east with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the water came up to my ankles. Verse 8, Then he said to me: “This water flows toward the eastern region, goes down into the [a]valley, and enters the sea. When it reaches the sea, its waters are healed. Verse 9, And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever [a]the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes.

In this text, the bible talks about the river which was a prophetic thing that Ezekiel saw in his vision. He was taken in the temple and what he saw from there was a river that flows out. The bible says, everywhere this river went, there was life; the fish and the animals were alive because life was in this river. Also, this text begins by revealing to us how God took Ezekiel through the river from his ankles. As Ezekiel was measuring the water, it was rising from the ankles to the knees then to the waist till the level when he couldn’t swim in the river.

This is a prophetic picture of the church today because most believers want to be at the ankle level while others want to be at knee level and go… others want to end in the waist in the presence of God, in the Holy Ghost and in the anointing. If you are at the ankle level, you can splash in the water; you can get in and out when you want. Even if you live at the knee level, you can still walk through the water and you have control. You can do what you want to do, but let me tell you this, “when you yield to the Holy Ghost, it is no longer your will but His will.” Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God [Romans 8:14]. So, you must be led and controlled by the Spirit and the anointing of God.

Then the water reached his waist; has anyone ever tried to walk in water (river) when its water is at their waist? It’s not that easy. Even when the water is at the waist, you can still stand in it, and the river will not take you because you still have control. Man wants to be in control; religion teaches people to be in control and deny God to be in control over them. We can never become religious with the things of God. Religion (the religious people) is what put Jesus on the cross. Jesus said, do you want to follow me, okey, you need to drink my blood and eat my flesh [John 6:53]. He said this to the Jewish people; one time they were praising Him and the other time, they were saying, “crucify Him” [ Luke 23:21].

The other time He said, I am going to destroy this temple and on the third day, it will be restored back [John 2:19]. The religious people couldn’t understand this because their minds were full of darkness. That’s why when we get born-again, we get His mind [Philippians 2:5]. Never allow to be religious with the things of God because there is always MORE. You can always go deeper and deeper, and He gives His Spirit without measure… there is no measure in the things of God. You can always humble and even cry out unto Him more. We must live the waist level; you can no longer live at the knee level. We must be baptized. And the bible says, Ezekiel could no longer swim because the winds of the river were so deep.

I believe that prophetic picture is ours as believers because the scripture says, there was a temple and from that temple there was a river. So, tonight, you are a child of God, and you are a temple of the Holy Ghost [1 Corinthians 3:16]. The Holy Spirit is a type of water that once you drink Him, you will never thirsty again [John 4:14]. And this is exactly what happened to a Samaritan woman….

As I conclude:

Psalms 126:1, When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Verse 2, Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. Tonight, as David realized that God empowered and blessed him, you too must realize that God has your life. He is changing you… if God got you out of the potholes of hell or the darkest of places; if He has taken your sickness, disease, and poverty, then you too today can rejoice and dream again. In the name of Jesus, your mouth is filled with laughter.  

Are you ready to rejoice today? For the Lord has done great things [Psalm 126:3]. Open yourself unto the Lord right now and begin to pray. May the Lord fill you with laughter…

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries

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Discover to Recover -2


Mtukuzeni Mungu Watu Wa Mungu Kwa Kenya! August is going to your month of the great encounter with the Holy Spirit in Miracles, Signs and Wonders. I will be in Nairobi Kenya Next week at Nyayo Stadium. Dates have already been Confirmed.

Sunday 2nd Service with Apostle T. Vutabwashe – 23rd. July.2023

#Discover to Recover  

Cont… 1 Kings 3:20-21

                               You are getting your miracle today!

When we are driving especially at night, it doesn’t matter if you are in a Rolls-Royce, if you don’t have lights, you are not going anywhere, despite your car being more expensive, a small Honda can overtake you because they have lights. We are already in dark economies of the world, and we cannot operate without light. Today, all the people who wanted to overtake you, it’s over!

I see someone recovering. When you discover something, it’s a responsibility to invitation. You don’t discover and seat. When you find out, you take action. If you don’t act, it’s a complete sign that you found nothing. Excuses are signs that you didn’t discover. You cannot give excuse if you found out…

When they found out that Jesus was in the house and the healing power was in the house, the bible says, the place was full and there was no entrance and way to go out…they climbed the roof and removed the roof because when you find out, you don’t give excuses [Mark 2:4]. Everyone who found out, seven days from now, you will see a major breakthrough in your lifetime.

They were supposed to say, what if they arrest us…or who is going to pay for the roof? What if Jesus says NO, “you have broken the roof and I am not going to pray for you?” All those excuses are because you never found out. The healer is inside. 

                                  There’s no fear when you discover!

 If you are not doing anything, you find nothing. Your actions will reveal what you found.

The Lord is saying to someone, I am restoring your lost and missed opportunities. He says, someone from abroad will come looking for you and you shall see that restoration has come.

How do you recover now?

Disagree with your current situation. Don’t entertain it. Don’t take it normal. Don’t take it casual. It needs a reaction. It’s not normal to be broke. It’s not normal at your age not to be married. It’s not normal at your age to be paying rent. It’s not normal at your age to be using boda-boda. Refuse it in the name of Jesus. Don’t take it light.

Whatever you don’t confront, has a right to remain. Standup everyone and say, “Father, I refuse this condition in the name of Jesus.”  Make a prayer to the Lord, “I refuse…” I can’t suffer; I can’t struggle… I refuse, no struggle…no stagnation… I refuse! You have to reject everyday living on medication, borrowing from someone and always depending on other people… that’s not your life!

Your age-mates are changing cars, building houses, expanding business, flying abroad and you are just languishing in poverty because there is someone who bewitched you; there’s someone who said that you will never raise. Enough is enough.

Right now, in the name of Jesus, I declare houses! Whether in your  family, no one has ever built a house in town, today, the yoke is broken. Some of you in three months, you would have flown to three countries in Jesus’ name. If you are doing exams, you will do once and pass… no more repeating in Jesus’ name.

In 2 Samuel 21:1, there was a famine in the time of David, hence it targeted him for three consecutive years. David saw the famine for three years, but at the third year, he never asked his cabinet, nor did he call specialist on climatology… he went straight to God and asked Him why the famine? God answered him, this is for Saul. Then there was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year; and David enquired of the Lord. And the Lord answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites. Saul died many years ago, yet someone is suffering for things he never knew did. Everyone under the sound of my voice who is suffering the things they don’t know, who is a victim of the things they never did, today in the name of Jesus, you are coming out. How can you suffer for things you never did?

Take the right direction. Having a problem is another thing and knowing where to go with it is another problem. Some of you, your problems were enough, but it became worse of the direction you took. This woman in 1 Kings 3:21 after she found out, she never said, let me first go and find my aunts or go for my parents or others… let me tell you, every time you are under attack, before you tell anyone or consult anyone, run to God immediately. If she dared call her aunts, they were going to conduct a funeral. You can put a curse on something that is not yours because of the people you are consulting.

When you are under attack at work, in marriage, at school or in business, run to God. Why did she go there? Because there was Solomon who was anointed. The anointing has a place to operate. She didn’t say, Solomon is going to prophecy because I am going through a lot… I just lost a son. She went to Solomon because Solomon is a place where he operates [1 Kings 3:22-23].

I told you that this is called a pulpit because when a pastor is here, his business is to pull you out of the pit. Today, whether you are in a pit of barrenness, poverty, or struggles, I pull you out…whatever they vowed you shall never become, before December this year, they shall see it with their own eyes in the name of Jesus!

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries

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Discover to Recover


Sunday 2nd Service with Apostle T. Vutabwashe – 23rd. July.2023

#Discover to Recover – 1 Kings 3:20-21

God is about to open a new chapter in your life.  This ministry is a testament of people who don’t give up, people who don’t fail and people who keep on winning despite how things are… Turn to your neighbor and tell them, this year, before it ends, something very beautiful is going to happen to you.

“Someone here, it’s like something is eating you in your stomach. You feel its hitching inside your stomach; touch your stomach. “Father in the name of Jesus, I declare the healing power of Jesus. Devil, you are rebuked and never come back again in Jesus’ name… the devil has obeyed. You are well.””

1 Kings 3:21, And when I rose in the morning to give my child suck, behold, it was dead: but when I had considered it in the morning, behold, it was not my son, which I did bear. I want to share with you a message titled Discover to Recover. You can not recover what you have not discovered.

The story reveals to us two women who were in one house. They got pregnant in the same season, and they delivered each a baby boy. As they were sleeping, one who slept on her baby, and he died. The one she called her friend, housemate, colleague, overslept on her baby and she looked and saw her friend sleeping with hers. The so-called friend woke up with her dead one and moved to the side of the other, and placed the dead child and took the living one [1 Kings 2:20]. She went back and slept as though everything was normal… The mother of the living child is sleeping saying, I have a friend who is willing to see a dead child in your hand, knowing the dead child is hers, and the living one is yours.

I stand on the altar of my father (Pr. Robert Kayanja), anyone close to you pretending to be a friend but working to destroy your life, may God expose them.

Can you imagine, you are sharing the same home; instead of crying that I have lost a baby, she just took it normal… she took your baby and enjoyed as though the baby is hers… Anyone, deployed by the devil to cause any demonic exchanged against your life, I expose them in the name of Jesus. It means the devil is using people very close to you… Someone close to you is the one changing your living child, and they pretend as everything is normal.

We are now living in a wicked world where your enemy pretends to look like a friend, and its difficult to know, but today, I have been assigned to expose everyone who looks like smiling or on your side, but behind your back, they are working to destroy you…I expose them in the name of Jesus. I am concerned, how can you love a person who is so wicked like that? She is the one who lost a child, but she is not crying. She is not panicking…she just said, if you have the child, I will have the child, and you will bury mine… devil, you are a lair. Everyone who has been working against your life to pull you down, to chase away your customers, to remove people who want to help you and to spoil your life, I lift my hand on this altar, I expose them.

As long as you can’t find it, it will look normal. But I am glad, the mother of the living child never did investigations in the night because it was dark. She waited until it was morning when the light had come… she said, when I woke up to suck my baby, the baby was dead… I consideredI looked keenlyI examined and I found what I called my child not my child…

Today, you are going to find out this is not your life, this is not your career and whatsoever the devil has planted, may it be uprooted in Jesus’ name [Jeremiah 1:10].

She found out that this wasn’t her life, and the baby wasn’t hers…I am praying for you, before this service is over, you must find out this is not my life. I need my life BACK!

She looked at the dead child and said, this is not my child… someone you are hearing me today, and you can look at the way your heart is, but the way you are suffering; you can look at the way you are working and only little is coming to your hands; you can look at the way you are doing, how educated you are, but where you are, its opposite…Something is happening today in the name of Jesus. Get your LIFE today.

There are certain people who are too good, yet they are suffering, and you wonder, what’s wrong? We don’t hear that they gossip or sleep around, you are always nice, but you are suffering? What is going on? It’s you I came for, look at your life…no…no…no…this is not my son! I need my son back! Someone after this service, you are going to drive a Landcruiser. You are changing address. You are getting your promotion. Your visa shall be approved.  

You can see the marriage you cried for to God to give you, but the way things are happening in your life… this is not the marriage you cried for… this is not what you went to school for…

Any demonic exchange must be corrected today in the name of Jesus! Today, find out… I don’t care if you are 50 years behind or 10 years behind, find out…why am I always sick? Why are my projects not concluding? Why do good people leave my life? Why do people whom I did well always come to fight my life? What’s going on?  Your back is full of wounds of people whom you did good; stubbing your life, what is going on, and who is sending such wickedness? Where are they? Today, whether they have a meeting under the water or in the bush, let it be found… someone must find it and you must get it today.

The way you serve in the house of God, that is not your car, something must change; the way you tithe, that is not your house, something must change; the way you fast, that’s not your marriage, something must change… I came for your life today, whatever the devil took, RECOVER in the name of Jesus.

There’s something that amazed me when I read this chapter when this woman was talking to Solomon. She said, while I was asleep, she came and took my baby… which means there’s a realm where you can see the wickedness, but you can’t do anything; you have no power. You can see that this is witchcraft been done on my son or something has come over my husband, but you can’t do anything about it. You can see something is seated on your career, but you have no power over it… I am glad. Today is the day, and you will find out.

Today, someone is finding out…why are the daughters here not married; you will find out…  Why are the sons here all of them are looking like vagabonds; you will find out….  Why is it that I always fail this subject; you will find out….  Why do I always have this attack; you will find out… I don’t care if the devil is having a meeting right now under the water, we are going to boil the water… You must get your miracle today!

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