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Assignment & Purpose – Miracle Overnight


Seven spirits of God were released when Jesus was slain. These spirits couldn’t come one by one but they came at once and they are yours, and you can operate in all the seven [Revelation 5:12]. One of the seven spirits of God called STRENGTH reveals to us assignment and purpose, and this is what God talks about purpose; Job 42:2 reads, “I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose [of Yours] can be withheld from You.” Job knew God and that His purpose could not be stopped. I decree and declare, no matter who is bewitching you, the purposes of God cannot be altered in your life, and everything is gonna work out. Jeremiah 32:19 says, “[You are] great in counsel and mighty in work, for Your eyes [are] open to all the ways of the sons of men, to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings.” The purpose of God requires a mission and it’s great He’s a God of purpose; He looks east to west for a man who can stand in the gap to preach the gospel to the world.

The church was given an assignment but Jesus had to first come and die for us all such that he takes back the keys of the kingdom from the devil. The church is not the purpose but the purpose was Jesus to come, and that’s why he said, “on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” [Matthew 16:18]. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”. 

If God was to think about you, He has an assignment and that assignment is to give you peace. You can’t have peace without a war or until someone has paid a price. When the angel told Mary, ‘peace be with you’, heaven invaded the earth, the devil was caught unaware through the birth of Jesus, and an old woman (Elizabeth) who had never given birth was told to produce a forerunner of Jesus. When the devil knew about the birth of Jesus, there was no peace in that area and all the babies were slaughtered yet the angel had declared peace on earth.

The thoughts of God are to give us peace and therefore, we declare war on the devil’s war. I command corona virus and poverty are leaving Africa; we are not beggars. Oh my God, the thoughts of God are to give us a future and that means death has been eliminated. His thoughts are better than where you are today. Get ready child of God and start to rejoice because the thoughts of God cannot be changed. I prophesy, God is about to bless you. Listen: after this corona virus, you have a future, and I declare, you’re coming out of this lock down better. Do you know the reason why Africa has not been ravaged by corona virus? It’s because Africa has an assignment from God. We are on a new level of assignment [1 Samuel 8:12]. Numbers 4:49 reads, “According to the commandment of the LORD they were numbered by the hand of Moses, each according to his service and according to his task; thus were they numbered by him, as the LORD commanded Moses”. 

Do you know that numbering people brought David trouble yet in the above scripture we see Moses numbering them and nothing happened to him? The difference is this, Moses was a meek man who was dealing with a Purpose well as David was a man after God’s own heart who was dealing with Assignment. Moses’ purpose was to deliver the Hebrews, bring them to a place where they would worship God such that He would write His commandments on their hearts and make them His own people and be their ruler. Moses’ purpose was for all the twelve tribes that later became a nation ruled by God. The purpose of the Hebrews was to be God’s people but their assignment was to bring forth the Messiah who would reconcile man back to God. Once you’re on God’s purpose and assignment, provision is guaranteed. I declare, Get ready for divine provision.

It’s time we bring all we have to God because that’s where our strength is. When you get closer to God, He will help you to get a purpose, and once you get a purpose you have a future and where the future is, there’s assignment. An assignment will help you to use the intelligence which is the highest form of common sense that Adam had before the fall. The book of John chapter 4 reveals this high level of common sense when Jesus was dealing with the Samaritan woman that the moment she talked about Jacob, something stirred up the inside of him that he had a deeper conversation about the living water, something he had never had with either his disciples or Nicodemus. This is because assignment touches other people’s needs [John 4:7-39]. 

Child of God, no matter what you have done, tonight is your night to have a conversation with Jehovah. You don’t have to be super spiritual to feed the hungry or to preach the gospel via internet; these men of Samaria changed because of that woman’s testimony; maybe the purpose of this corona virus is that your husband stays at home and your assignment as a wife is to lead him to Christ via channel 44 television. Our purpose of being here is that we can uplift you but your assignment is to continue glorifying God as Jesus would do if he was here.

Don’t miss our Sunday services at 9 am on Channel44 and Streamed on our Robert Kayanja Ministries Youtube and Facebook Channels. Be part of our second ‘Global Prayer Hour’ on Monday, 11th May 2020 at 9 pm. Pr. BennyHinn will be joining us and miracles are gonna happen on that day.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department