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#TheSevenSpiritsOfGod|STRENGTH|Assignment & Purpose

I want to talk to you about Purpose and assignment, and wisdom reveals it to you. It is my prayer that God gives each one of you a special assignment in this month of May. A special assignment is an incursion that God brings into your business. It’s that interruption that God brings which your physical knowledge and ability cannot afford. The bible clearly says that “all things work together for good to those who love God, those called according to His purpose” [Romans 8:28].

Things are gonna work for your good, but I don’t want to settle for good, I want the best. What gives you the best if all things work out for good according to those called for His purpose is an assignment. Let me give you an example of Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, her purpose was to grow up as a holy and righteous little girl, find a good man to marry her. She finally found him, got engaged, but in the midst of her purpose, God gave her an assignment. He said, time has come and I cannot find a person who is prepared as you’re, nobody has been interceding as you’re, now you’re gonna be the mother of My son. 

In nine months, he will be the king of kings. Kings will come to him with gold, he will have My Spirit, he will proclaim the good news and will heal the sick, rise the dead, cleanse the lepers. He will die and raise from the dead. He will build the church and the devil’s plan will come to an end. That assignment brought Mary three kings, gold met her and her husband who was good was given six years of French leave in Egypt and they became global travelers simply because of an assignment.

When God gives you an assignment, all tools are at your disposal. In this month of May, it’s my prayer that God gives you a special assignment. Beloved, you’re gonna be sent to do things you never used to do. You will be called to manage someone’s finances. I sense a breakthrough in that area of assignment. Today, God has given us an assignment to feed the hungry, of course it wasn’t on our calendar because our purpose was 77 Days of Glory, we were OKAY working and doing what we were supposed to do. Feeding those whom we were supposed to feed, then corona virus came, and the Lord said, Bucket Project and it’s now an assignment we have to do. 

For those of you who have watched a movie ‘Mission Impossible’, this is what an assignment is. Mary said, Iam the Lord’s servant, no man has ever touched me and how can this be? This is mission impossible, and the angel said, I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of God. He has to come and you have to take it, for you are blessed among all women [Luke 1:29-38]. With assignment, you are called blessed among all generations to come yet with purpose, it’s for good. Purpose is good, and each one of us has a purpose. I married my beautiful wife [Pr. Jessica], we have children and they go to school which is good, but am tired of good and now I need the best. I don’t want to settle for what others have settled for. The bible says, “He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” [Matthew 5:45]

Once you have the seven spirits of God, your purpose will turn into assignment. I have written a book on purpose and you must know your purpose but assignment is the best because you are given all the tools, and the eyes of heaven are on you watching over where you’re going. It’s like you are the seal teams of the United States that was sent to kill Osama Bin Laden while President Obama was watching from the White House. Their purpose was to keep America yet their mission [assignment] was to kill Osama Bin Laden. On mission is where you’re paid more. Jesus’ mission was to be the son of God, the Word of God and One who speaks on behalf of God. He said, am tired of good, I have to go down on earth and when he defeated the devil, God gave him a name which is above every name and at the sound of his name demons tremble [Philippians 2:9-10].

Beloved, we have already talked about power, riches and wisdom [Revelation 5:12] but in special assignments that’s where God gives STRENGTH. Samson was a man of strength and Jesus had also strength but do you know that your thinking can have more strength compared to other people? Strength is in planning, execution and your strength must come from the Lord. Psalms 121:1 says, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help?” and verse two states, “My help comes from the Lord.” Help is what we call the support strength. 

In assignments that’s where you’re supported, trained and coached. Purpose gives you experience yet assignment trains you at your work. We are on assignment, we are here to kill corona virus and any other virus; we are gonna be paid highly. You must note these two things about special assignment; people are not gonna understand you and they might say that you’re risking your life; you’re not risking your life but it’s the enemy who is risking his life to exist. Therefore, you must have confidence in the authority assigning you. 

Second, you must have confidence which has to come from Joy; the bible says, “The joy of the Lord is our strength” [Nehemiah 8:10]. You must be happy that they chose you; King David said, “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord” [Psalms 122:1]. Your assignment is gonna take you to places and it will be a different level of communication, that’s why the angel told Joseph to fear not, and for six years he was paid without work.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department