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                       Germany Revival Conference

Pastor Robert is coming to Berlin – Germany! Join Pastor Robert Kayanja from the Miracle Centre Cathedral, Kampala – Uganda for a three-day Revival Fire Conference at International Gospel CenterBerlin, Lichtenberg from Friday, May 19th – May 21st, 2023.

Expect anointed worship, ministry, and the healing power of God, and be sure to invite your loved ones and friends in Germany and around Europe!

Address: International Gospel Center, Allee der Cosmonauten 25, 10315 Berlin-Lichtenberg.

Phone: 030 54982601

Transport: M8, M17, 27, 37

Stop: Allee der Kosmonauten / Rhinstr.


 Friday 19.05 and Saturday 20.05

10:00 – School of the Holy Spirit

6:00pm – Healing Service

 Sunday 21.05:

10:00am – Healing Service


Declare, I am blessed and anointed to prosper, to succeed and to create wealth. I am chosen by God so that His covenant may be established on this earth in Jesus’ mighty name [Deut 8:18].

“I see drizzling of rain falling on each one of us and may the rain of His glory descend on all of us. May the rain of His glory mark and touch you.”

God said to Abraham, I will bless you [Genesis 12:2]. In other words, I will anoint you with the holy oil and curses, misfortunes, diseases, and bad things will stop happening to you.

Psalms 23 has a negative contention. It says, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me [Psalms 23:4]. Even when death wants you dead, God pulls out the rod, and He beats death. He gets His staff and pocks death so that He may take you where you have to go and prepare a table for you, so that these enemies of yours, may see you as you seat to eat what He has prepared for you [Psalms 23:5].

              “Something good is about to happen to you very soon.”

God is creating multi-time billionaires in this place. The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of his servants [Psalm 35:27]. Every plot against your life shall not succeed. Those who want you dead shall see you alive. There are people, today marks your thanksgiving, from failure to success. Today is your thanksgiving and testimony service.

When the evil ones leave your life, they have gone with whatever they brought in your life including your suffering, pain, and diseases. In the name of Jesus, the evil one has left your house. You have been battling the evil one, the thief, the one who brings infirmity, the one who kills everything you start but today, he has left your house, business, and life.

                    That saith the Lord, the evil one has left your life, house, business, name, and hands.

Say to the Lord, thank you My Father. The evil one has left my life. He has left my business. The evil one has gone. He has left my name and my territory. The evil one is no more. He has gone with everything he brought. Everything the evil one brought to your town, to your house, in your body, to your name and family, he has left with it.

                        Declare, the evil one has left my job and what I do. This evil one has left in Jesus’ name.

Testify and tell someone, this evil has left with everything that came with him. The devourer, the eater, the destroyer has left my life [Malachi 3:11]. Everything the evil one brought in my life, he has gone with his stuff. Whatever he brought my way, he has left with them. The evil one has no room in my life.

Thank God and shout with a loud voice. You are going to sing, “See what the Lord has done, what we waited for has come to pass!”

As I conclude: Behold I see, great and big nobles in you; rulers, leaders, rich nobles and notable men and women standing today in the glory of God. World changers, innovators, and billionaires, that is what the anointing has made you to be in the Mighty name of Jesus.

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about the ANOINTING. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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