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                                                   ANOINTING SERVICE INVITATION

You have been invited for the Special Anointing Service tomorrow, Thursday, 11th-May-2023 from 5pm here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral.

# ANOINTING, 7th -May – 2023 (Sunday Night)

This month of May is a month of the ANOINTING. We saw the king of England being anointed, and if a king can be anointed, then you too need an anointing. If a king could be anointed, and the bible states that He has made us kings and priests, surely you need the anointing [Revelation 5:10].

Never underestimate the anointing. What you need is the anointing to break the yoke [Isaiah 10:27]. The anointing doesn’t just break yoke, but it destroys it.

How many of you love the Lord, you follow Him, trust in Him, believe in Him and you hold onto His word and promises, but things are not working out? When the anointing hits your body, you will see the victory.

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about the ANOINTING. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries