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Pastor’s Overnight


                                         # ANOINTING, 8th -May – 2023 (Pastor’s Overnight)

The bible talks about that God speaks to us through visions and dreams [Job 33:15]. Job is one man that through his suffering came to understand God more than anybody else. He really spoke to God more than Abraham, and he discovered seven things.

  1. God doesn’t need you to be God. He is God by all Himself.
  2. Job discovered that this God is a REDEEMER. He will redeem someone who has faith in Him [Job 19:25].
  3. He also teaches us that the relationship we have with God is to do God’s WILL here on earth. What is God’s will here on earth? The Lord Jesus told us to pray about these things: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven [Matthew 6:9-10]. In the beginning He created the heaven and the earth. So, whatever that was in heaven, He wants it to be here on earth as it is in heaven.

                                       “God wants His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

If you want to receive anything, it must be from heaven because the earth is messed up and the foundations are destroyed.

                                        “We need to pull the heaven down on earth.”

Do you know that you are a gift? The bible says, And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; [Ephesians 4:11]. Have you ever realized that you’re a gift to this world and the people have a right to unwrap you? You are a gift to them, and God put His gift in you for the people. Ephesians 4:11 reveals that you are a gift, and you are valuable to the people. Why did He give you to the people? For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: [Ephesians 4:12]. Therefore, our work is to bring the heavens down here on earth.

So, how do we touch the body of Christ without the anointing? We need the anointing to help us. Heaven is giving us anointing because we can’t do it on our own. Some nations and kingdoms are established by the anointing just like what we witnessed at King Charles 111’s coronation. 

                                    “It’s very important to know the role of God’s will in our lives.”

When Christ died and rose from the dead, He made us kings and priests [Revelation 5:10]. When prince Charles became king, it was the priests who made him king and not parliament or voting. Pastor, its you with the anointing that is going to make all your flock to become kings in their situations. When God saw their situations, He chose you and sent you to go and make the people kings [John 15:16]. Revelation 5:10, And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

One of the things we as pastors must do, we must reign here on earth. Politicians rule here but we as pastors reign. We have the authority to reign the situation. Men of God reigned in the situation while kings led the people. Pastor, you must reign the situation of poverty and hunger because you are the people’s gift.

So, if you are a gift,

  • The gift brings joy.
  • It’s given for a function.
  • The gift is given to help.
  • The gift makes the giver and the receiver joyful.

Here in Africa, we don’t know to give gifts, and there are very few tribes that really know how to give gifts. These gifts are always taken for the giveaway in exchange with what we want, and they are listed down. Because we don’t know the purpose of the gift, they are just listed down for us. Those who understand gifts don’t ask for mere things, but rather they will ask for gifts that will continue life and what will help them.

God saw that the church of Christ needed gifts for edification that if Jesus is to take a hundred more years, those that will come after us must have a foundation on which to start.  

Therefore, pastors take note of these things.

  1. Even if you are righteous but once the foundations are destroyed, there’s nothing you can do. Psalm 11:3, If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? God looks at the righteous to do something once the foundations are destroyed.
  • Dig deep the foundations. The church of Christ is built on a foundation of apostles and prophets. The prophets were there, and now the apostles are here now [Ephesians 2:20].

How did the prophets build foundation? They prophesied unto people, and they named them; you shall be a governor. Remember, the word of God has power, and it can push you into a situation. The word of God works, creates, pierces [Hebrews 4:12].

Pastors don’t waste people’s time preaching current affairs. God has given you the people, so give them the word. We discovered that it’s the word that begins the genesis of man [John 1:1]. Once we give the people the word of God, they shall be established [1 Peter 2:2].

Pastor don’t hide the bible from the flock. Give the flock the word from the bible. Don’t just read for them, teach them. But also, you can’t teach without the anointing. You can’t pastor without the anointing. You can’t perfect the saints if you don’t have the anointing because they move a lot, talk a lot, listen a lot to radios and TVs, they visit and pray and they know a lot [Matthew 16:18-22].

Your foundation is very important. Therefore, what is your foundation? It is of apostles and prophets. It means that it’s the all counsel of God. We see the prophets in the Old Testament and the apostles in the New Testament, which means, we are built on the all counsel of God, not only the New Testament but also the old testament. Our origin is in the Old Testament because the God we believe in is the God of the Hebrews. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the God of the prophets. So, in the New Testament, in Galatians chapter 3, He talks about Abraham. Our God is the God of the apostles and prophets. The chief corner stone. Galatians 3:29,  And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. We are spiritual Jews.

  • Once you have dug the foundations, you build the walls. The bible calls us living stones [1 Peter 2:5]. Jesus is our chief cornerstone, but we are also the living stones being used to build with Christ. Therefore, you need to handle these living stones careful.

In your church, you need to take care of these people; Men, Women, Youth, Children, Business, Singles, Missions (outreaches) Community, Marrieds, New Converts. These are the ten fingers of the church, because the church has the body of Christ. And God blesses the work of your hands [Deuteronomy 28:12]. As a pastor, use these ten fingers to touch and build everything. Those ten things are the foundations of your ministry. Don’t neglect them. Do whatever you can to build those things on the foundation. Build real men. You are mandated to perfect them. Whatever God has built, the world cannot overcome it [1 John 3:9]. All these ten people must be built on the word.

                                                    “You were sent to perfect saints into ministry.”

The bible says, Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it [Proverbs 22:6]. We need to perfect the person. God loves perfect people [Job 1:1]. Perfect people are gifted people [Luke 1:6].

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about the ANOINTING. To watch the entire teaching, click on the link below.

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