The Seven Spirits of God
Category: Faith Nuggets
1,513 ViewsThe Secret Of Nation||Genesis 24:29-40God is in Uganda. Among the 79 victims of COVID-19, we have no deaths. We should be grateful to Him and know that His hand is upon us. He has fought locusts with rain but also remember, we asked Him for the rain. Lake Victoria
Category: Faith Nuggets
995 ViewsThe Secret of NationsWe must understand the times and seasons we are living in just like the sons of Issachar. We must read the times and the headlines and that is why we need wisdom. Our subject of study is still in the book of Revelation 5:12 where we
WISDOM: Seed Part 3
Category: Faith Nuggets
844 Views#Wisdom: Seed Part3||Gen 47:13-24We are living in prophetic times and its very important for us to understand the season we are living in, for the scripture says that the sons of Issachar knew the times and seasons. This is a season of rain where we have to grow food
WISDOM: Seed Part 2
Category: Faith Nuggets
1,023 Views#Seed Genesis 47:13-21(part2)God is going to give us wisdom and knowledge on how to make things happen, and in the book of Revelation chapter 5, we talk about the seven spirits of God that Christ died for and released on earth; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing
Category: Faith Nuggets
1,224 ViewsGenesis 47:13- 31 [NIV]It’s very important to understand the power of the seed. The book of Genesis chapter 47 reveals to us that everything was wasted due to the severe famine in both Egypt and the land of Canaan. People ate all the food and they even brought their
Dream Interpretation
Category: Faith Nuggets
2,283 ViewsChild of God, dreams belong to you, they are personal. The bible says that God speaks to us through dreams and vision; why? Because a dream is personal and a vision is national [Job 33:15]. God spoke to Joseph in a dream but that dream turned into a vision,
838 ViewsWisdom, Revelation 5:12God gives us power when the Holy Ghost comes upon us [Acts 1:8], and that power creates wealth that riches may come upon us. Wisdom comes to us and it’s from heaven according to James 3:17. Every time we abide by the words of wisdom, we become