Faith Nugget


The seven spirits of God – WISDOM Part 4

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  April 23, 2020
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Category: Faith Nuggets
803 ViewsWisdom, Revelation 5:12God gives us power when the Holy Ghost comes upon us [Acts 1:8], and that power creates wealth that riches may come upon us. Wisdom comes to us and it’s from heaven according to James 3:17. Every time we abide by the words of wisdom, we become

The seven spirits of God – WISDOM Part 3

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  April 22, 2020
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Category: Faith Nuggets
877 ViewsRevelation 5:6 & 12 We are still talking about the seven spirits of God in Revelation 5 which Jesus released to us after his death, and I believe he is gonna prosper us. Revelation 5:6 reads, “And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of

The Seven Spirits of God – WISDOM

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  April 21, 2020
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Category: Faith Nuggets
727 ViewsWisdom|Colossians 2:1-3People of God, have we really discovered what corona virus is, and where it came from? What is it revealing to mankind? As human beings, are we going to sit down without fighting back, and what is our response? Of recent, I listened to a statement which was

The seven spirits of God – Wisdom

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  April 20, 2020
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Category: Faith Nuggets
1,061 Views#Wisdom||CAPACITYSaints, we are talking about the seven spirits of God in Revelation 5. However, in the midst of what is happening today, many people have turned out to be prophets giving all sorts of prophecies that this is the end and that people should change their behaviors. So, it

PARTNERSHIP, Isaiah 53:6-13

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  April 19, 2020
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Category: Faith Nuggets
828 ViewsBeloved, I want to share with you on the power of partnership but before I do, I want to first address this question which has circulating that COVID-19 is from God and that God is involved, my response is NO. This COVID-19 was created by man who wants to


Posted by Mordecai Luke on  April 18, 2020
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Category: Faith Nuggets
867 ViewsBeloved, I am so excited to share God’s word with you titled Partnership in reference to the book of Acts chapter 3 where we see two characters of people, the missionaries and the beggar. These missionaries were mandated by our Lord Jesus Christ to start their ministry in Jerusalem