1,020 ViewsSeven spirits of God were released when Jesus was slain. These spirits couldn’t come one by one but they came at once and they are yours, and you can operate in all the seven [Revelation 5:12]. One of the seven spirits of God called STRENGTH reveals to us assignment
Assignment – Part 3
Category: Faith Nuggets
1,113 Views#TheSevenSpiritsOfGod|StrengthWe must seek the Lord while He can still be found, but our problem is that we knock at the door when He has already gone or we wait to call upon Him when He is very far. Isaiah 55:6 says, “Seek the LORD while He may be found,
Category: Faith Nuggets
1,174 Views#TheSevenSpiritsOfGod|StrengthPurpose and Assignment in reference to the seven spirits of God in Revelation chapter 5. We discovered that under strength that’s where you find purpose and assignment. According to the dictionary, purpose is a reason well as assignment is a task. The purpose why we grow food is that
Category: Faith Nuggets
1,136 Views#TheSevenSpiritsOfGod|STRENGTH|Assignment & PurposeI want to talk to you about Purpose and assignment, and wisdom reveals it to you. It is my prayer that God gives each one of you a special assignment in this month of May. A special assignment is an incursion that God brings into your business.
941 Views#SundayNight#The Seven Spirits of God, John 4:4-33The scripture says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” [Ecclesiastes 3:1]; You must understand that purpose is for a time and assignment for a season. Assignment[s] can be one or more, and resources come
Purpose, Assignment & Time
Category: Faith Nuggets
1,148 Views#The seven spirits of GodAm so excited to share God’s word with you on Purpose, Assignment and Time. But before we go into this study, I want to first take you through the seven spirits of God which I have been teaching about every evening during the 77Days of
1,007 ViewsThe Seven Spirits Of God||STRENGTHThe Lamb of God was slain before the foundations of the earth and was sacrificed in the place of Isaac according to Genesis 22:12-13. This is the very lamb that released the seven spirits of God on earth after he had been slain and rose