Faith Nugget



Posted by Mordecai Luke on  August 15, 2023
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573 ViewsMid-Week Service with Ps. Robert Kayanja | July 26th, 2023 | WHCGA – United States We have been talking about God speaking to us through visions and dreams, and one of the components we have forgotten as believers is that everything we like or adore, someone dreamt or thought

The Place

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  August 14, 2023
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552 ViewsSunday 3rd service with Pr. Robert Kayanja #Working with God 13th – AUG -2023 Genesis 2:8, And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. Child of God, there’s a place where God doesn’t want you to stay

Walking with God

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  August 11, 2023
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299 Views9th – AUG -2023, Mid-week service with Pr. Robert Kayanja Recap: When you walk with God, you become like Him because everything that is with God becomes like God. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God [John 1:1].Jesus said in John 17, the glory I


Posted by Mordecai Luke on  August 10, 2023
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786 ViewsMid-week service with Pr. Robert Kayanja #Visions and Dream 9th – AUG -2023 Scripture reference: Zechariah chapter 1 We have been talking about how God speaks to us through dreams and visions. Some of the visions are going to be ongoing or a crisis somewhere or a need somewhere,

The Holy Spirit

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  July 27, 2023
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1,110 ViewsKENYA, Are you READY?? NAIROBI CITY, are you READY for the great encounter with the Holy Spirit in Miracles, Signs and Wonders? The 77 Days of Glory Anointing is Coming to Nairobi – Kenya. Join Pastor Robert Kayanja from the Miracle Centre Cathedral Kampala – Uganda LIVE in Nairobi

Discover to Recover -2

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  July 26, 2023
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750 ViewsMtukuzeni Mungu Watu Wa Mungu Kwa Kenya! August is going to your month of the great encounter with the Holy Spirit in Miracles, Signs and Wonders. I will be in Nairobi Kenya Next week at Nyayo Stadium. Dates have already been Confirmed.Sunday 2nd Service with Apostle T. Vutabwashe –

Discover to Recover

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  July 25, 2023
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676 ViewsSunday 2nd Service with Apostle T. Vutabwashe – 23rd. July.2023 #Discover to Recover – 1 Kings 3:20-21 God is about to open a new chapter in your life.  This ministry is a testament of people who don’t give up, people who don’t fail and people who keep on winning