Faith Nugget


6th Dimension

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  September 21, 2023
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1,264 ViewsMid-week Service with Pr. Robert Kayanja #Sept-20-2023 #Preparation for the Sixth Anointing Today is Anointing number six, and this anointing is like no other anointings. It’s the anointing of diverse operations. It is to operate in three dimensions, but also remember number six in the days of the Lord

The Hand Anointing-2

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  September 20, 2023
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1,207 Views#The Hand Anointing – 2 #Anointing No.5 #August 31, 2023 – Thursday Anointing Service Let me show you how number 5 happened in the bible. Adam sinned and produced Cain and Abel [Genesis 4:1-2]. Its amazing how things changed after Genesis chapter 5. We all know the genealogy of

The Hand Anointing

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  September 19, 2023
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1,336 Views#The Hand Anointing #Anointing No.5 #August 31, 2023 – Thursday Anointing Service Declare, the hand of the Lord is upon me. The earth before sin came in was set on only four anointings throughout the bible [Genesis 2:10]. It is until Jesus appeared, remember He didn’t appear 2000 years

The Anointing of the hand [5]-2

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  August 29, 2023
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839 Views5th Dimension Anointing with Pr. Robert KayanjaToday 32years ago , what started as Will you marry me please say YES finally it happened. I became the most highly favored , ever increasing successful man As I became One with the most beautiful girl Jessica, Because of you the wind

The Anointing of the hand [5]-1

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  August 24, 2023
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902 Views5th Dimension Anointing with Pr. Robert Kayanja #The Anointing of the hand [5]-1 #Scripture reference: Isaiah 9:6 Abraham was a government. Whenever he heard that someone was captured, he sent his army [Genesis 14:14]. When people were hungry, he fed them. He had the power. He went to Egypt,

The Anointing of the hand

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  August 22, 2023
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531 Views5th Dimension Anointing with Pr. Robert Kayanja #The Anointing of the hand (5) Genesis 47:2, And he took some of his brethren, even FIVE men, and presented them unto Pharaoh. Joseph was born with the twelve, but he took only five and presented them to Pharaoh. Not everyone around

The Anointing

Posted by Mordecai Luke on  August 17, 2023
Category: Uncategorized
610 ViewsMid-Week Service with Ps. Robert Kayanja | AUG- 16th– 2023 #The Anointing Technology is a proof that man fell, and he needs an external force to support him in order to carry out what was ours by nature. We see this in the life of Daniel when he was