

Pastor Robert Kayanja is the Senior Pastor of Miracle Center Cathedral.
Founder/C.E.O at Channel 44 TV.
Chairman at AfriAid.
Founder of Bible College.


Robert Kayanja was called at the age of 17 and launched into ministry at the age of 22.And now as the Senior Pastor of Kampala’s10, 500 seat Miracle Centre Cathedral; he is also the founder of the Miracle Centre Churches. He was born in Masooli, an impoverished village in central Uganda. This was the situation in many other parts of the country, people lived with no hope, with disease and the fear of death, ‘What good could come out of Masooli?’, one would say.

More to this, Robert Kayanja was a miracle baby, a life and death decision had to be made as to whether to save him or his mother, but God came through for him just on time. As though this was not enough, he was born with a stutter. ‘How could God possibly use a boy who grew up stuttering after having survived a grave decision to deny him life?’ Well, God did just that! Launching out into a world that hardly believes whether God still performs miracles, Pastor Robert started the Miracle Centre, a papyrus reed structure, together with a few other young ministers having a ‘congregation’ of just one. Miracle upon miracle, the church has grown in leaps and bounds. Today Pastor Robert also is overseer of the Miracle Bible College, the Never Again Children’s project and the Kapeeka orphanage (both children’s outreaches), plus Daily Miracle Life Television programmes on Channel 44 and Daystar Television networks.

Obeying the great commission, he travels round the globe and has been to over 54 nations spreading the good news gospel of Jesus Christ. Also of significance are the book publications, magazines, newsletters/ e-letters(sent all around the globe), another avenue through which souls have been touched and changed. Thousands of churches have been planted too.

He is one of the most acclaimed gospel preachers who have been hosted on one of the most widely viewed Christian television networks, the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Upon his heart God has placed a message; “Minister Love in a hurting world”, a way of bringing the lost souls back to Him through miracles, signs and wonders.

‘’Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a dear and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. In the haunts where the jackals lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow and the highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness… Isaiah 35:5-8.

61 thoughts on “About

  1. Pastor I love so you much, am so greatful for your work,77 DOGS is amazing; God give you everything your desire. Your my hereo and best gift from God.

    1. GodWin! I love him also so much and congratulations to him and all Ministers and members.

  2. Praise Pastor Kayanja , Lady pastor Jessica and the whole Team in the ministry.

    I Thank our living Father God for all His is doing through You and your Team.
    I am a Swiss woman and a Uganda woman by birth. But I am proud to be a Uganda my mother land. I just want to say that because Born again Christian leader a humble to listen to the Holy Spirit , Jehovah is about to make Uganda the second Israel in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .
    My family and I ,we love you with the love of our Jesus Christ.

    We wish you joy, love, peace, long life and health ,prosperity and much more souls to win in Jesus’s name.
    Lady Harriet

  3. Praise God Pastor Kayanja, i thank God for His work through your Ministry. I have been watching the 77days of Glory. Our God is awesome. He is yet to reveal Himself more than He has ever done before through you. Maybe next time i will be there physically.

  4. Dear Pastor Robert Kayanja, thank so much for being a path finder in such a global ministry that has touched every inch of the planet earth. You prophesied in my life concerning my call and ministry as well as imparting an anointing upon my life and now by the grace of God my wife and I are pastoring a church in Lincoln NE USA besides reaching half of Africa , China etc with the power of the Holy Ghost. We honor you and your dear wife pastor Jessica Kayanja and keep praying for the fullness God’s grace upon your life, family and ministry.
    Yours Pastors Lawrence and Racheal Odoy

  5. I thank God the Father,God Son Lord Jesus Christ & God The Holy Spirit. For bringing revival in my mother country Uganda.
    In fact Uganda is blessed among all nations of the whole world.I am glad that pastor Robert Kayanja,Lady Pastor Jessica & your Team , obeyed the voice of the Holy Ghost .
    I informed a lot of Ugandans here and there who didn’t know about this 77 days of glory and they’re amazed to see that God is doing in Uganda ??.
    They’re is a saying :that the Latter days will be greater than the beginning or former days, 2nd saying is that:the first will be the last ( Our mother Uganda you have Suffered a lot and that is enough. the Lord is embracing us the Children of Uganda ?? with plenteous opportunities,Joy, peace ,riches , blessings,favour, Glory, excellent ideas to make Money , Spiritual and trustful Heart, Doing signs and wonders but above all Love which is the best to all of Us. We Will stop stilling & killing our brothern because of his/her New Aeroplane ✈️.
    Biggers will know more existing Uganda in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .
    Amen ??

  6. May God outshine and exceed all your expectations for your ministry Pastor Robert and Jessica Kayanja and your entire family. Thank you for the 77 days of glory, for i have been blessed while far away from USA

  7. Thank you very much Pastor Kayanja for the amazing glory of God you have shown in my country Uganda . I have had so much opposition in my life because of Jesus and i have had so much challenges throughout my life ,trying to look for answers as to why things are the way they are in my life looking for a church that will not hurt me ,but see me as a child of God. But i am glad at long last people can now see the truth from you with their own eyes. You are real blessing to me and my motherland . Stay blessed . Amen.

  8. I thank God for this ministry. I got to know it through Proclaim ministry and I have been watching the 77 days season 1 and now season 2. May God bless you all am praying that one day I visit the ministry. Much love from Kenya.

  9. Praise God pastor Kayanja, lady pastor Jessica & Church plus online channel 44 Church.
    I am one of the online church members of Channel 44 Facebook.
    The Holy Spirit had told me last week to buy publisher magazines for 500000 Uga.shs. And it should be given to the new born again Christians .
    And I believe God to answer my needs too in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Church thank you sooooooo much for standing with pastor Kayanja And the all Team in these 77days +77days of Glory and Fire ???? surely God has visited us all.
    Stay blessed .
    I am lady Harriet Suter
    Switzerland ????????

  10. Pastor R. Kayanja and Lady Pastor Jessica plus the Team of Miracle Centre Cathedral,

  11. I thank the God of 77days of glory who has remembered me . Brought to me a soul mate among the 7 people promise to us Cort is one of them I pray that the love of holyspirit will overtake him in Jesus name.

  12. God Bless this amazing ministry. May this seed produce that fruit to reflect the Glory of God!!!

  13. There’s no God like Jahovah. May you continue on this wonderful spiritual journey. From here in Los Angeles, Barbra and I send you our love. I know that we shall meet soon.

  14. I was so happy to see our Uganda having a man of God and first lady Jasica doing a good job for God’s glory .my God keep you healthy with your family and bless you more .stay blessed thank you Jesus.

  15. Praise the Lord Man of God.
    The 77 DOGS has been a blessing to me. It has lifted up my spirit. I was intorduced to the program by a Ugandan sister we are working in UAE together when she saw my challenges. I started watching on 56 day but am really encouraged. Please pray for me for a better job, am a distributor but am unable to distributor much as l wish, i was really touched by that message you preached on the 60th day. Kindly get in touch with me.
    Remain ever blessed.

  16. Pastor, l thank God for your life and the good works He is doing. My family has many enemies and witchcraft being thrown to us left right center including now my brother who joined a cult and wants us all poor and hates our mum with a passion. Am based in UAE.
    God bless you abundantly

  17. Iam a Ugandan but live in the UK and only recentlyjust found out about the 77 daysof glory. Although, I remembermy friend I ugandanmentioningit but didn’tknowwhatit was so I didn’ttake it seriously. But am so glad that I saw this again on Facebook. It is so awsome. May the good lord continue to bless and highly favour you and your entire family for the good work you are doing. I believethat this is my year and the almightyGodwill answerall my prayers in Jesus’s name

  18. Praise The Lord for His goodness! What we watch on channel 44 is the revival we really need as the body of Christ.Thank God for sending His Holy Spirit to reach the lost and power His Children. I am so blessed with my family from here,Winnipeg Canada.We are watching the 77 days of glory.We thank the Lord for the move of the Holy Spirit and having a man after the heart of God like king David,thank you pastor Robert for obeying the Voice of the Holy Spirit.We are so grateful for the move of the Holy Spirit,the floods of the love of God which is covering Uganda and Africa has reached us here in ???????? Canada.Thank you Jesus for your mercies.We ❤️ love Pastor Kayanja and MCC family.

  19. Victory belongs to Jesus!!!

    1. We are watching in uk with my family God is good Amen

  20. I really glorify the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the 77 Dogs. I pray that His servants Jessica and Robert Kayanja, mercy choir plus the entire team for obeying the Holy Spirit, for many lives have been blessed. May God bless you, meet all your needs(physical and spiritual) and help you make it to heaven

  21. Pastor Robert Kayanja you are a gift to us and we thank God to give you to us as a gift i live in United kingdom i watch every mighty thing that happens on channel 44, God is so great and i cannot believe that all this is happening in my motherland Uganda, thank you for obeying the holy spirit . Pastor i would like you to pray for my son Philip who is 4 years now he has a chewing problem the doctors here have failed to find out what stops him from chewing, i believe with God all things are possible. VICTORY BELONGS TO JESUS

  22. 77 days have completely changed my life. Thank you Pator Jessica and Robert Kayanja.

  23. pastor robert kayanja thank you for the great job of serving the lord and of being a kind man to the poor. please pray for because they want to dermot me from my position and every one is waiting to laugh at me. i also need a salary incremented and i know my living GOD is going to do it for me. GOD bless you and pastor jessca for the great job done.

  24. We bless God for the work he is doing through you. We love you with the love of the Lord. I’m believing God to make it for one of the seasons in 77 DOGS.

  25. Thank you so much for making the book of the Holy Spirit available to us. I just downloaded it last week me already it is blessing me tremendously. Jehovah is a great God.

  26. Victory belongs to Jesus. I thank the Holy Spirit for being in your midst all the time. GOD BLESS the tremendous work He is doing thro you. Kindly pray for me to be filled a fresh by the Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty name, Amen

  27. Dear Pastor Robert , Pastor Jessica and the entire Miracle Center Family,

    I would like to thank you for your obedience to the voice of God, for lives laid down and the enormous sacrifices you have made so that, through the 77 DOGs, we and rest of world may be blessed! Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to demonstrate HIS CHURCH. Because of you, Uganda is privileged.


  28. Me and my family are blessed by what the Lord is doing through the Ministry of the Man of God Pastor Robert Kayanja. We Love You Pastor Robert and Pastor Jessica and our Family at the Miracle Centre Cathedral, Rubaga. Though we are far away geographically but we are always watching and witnessing what the Lord is doing in the Miracle Center Cathedral.It is a cutting edge Revival.Thank you Lord for doing great and Might things in our generation.God bless the Annointed man of God more and more.

  29. Thank you Holy Spirit.

  30. We give thanks to God for the tremendous job you have done. We are so blessed.

  31. May God bless the work of your hands plus all the ministers, catchers, ashers, interpreters, and all involved. God bless you all in Jesus Name.

  32. Pray for my family pastors. My brother went missing yesterday. Pastor pray for our family so that he can be found alive and sound.

  33. Thanks Pastor Kayanja and your ministry for what God is doing. For sure the hand of God is on you. All the glory and honor return to Jesus.

  34. I salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus!
    Holy Spirit thank you for the great work you are doing in this Ministry. Pastor Robert and Jessica I love you and thank you for obeying. God bless you abundantly.

  35. Pastors Robert and Jessica may God richly bless you for all that you doing depopulating hell for heaven.
    I recently stumbled across Proclaim Music. I love those kids. Thanks to you for the live of God shed abroad in your hearts.
    You are such an inspiration.

  36. I love this ministry and how God is Using the Man of God.I would love to learn a lot from this Ministery. Chushi Peter Kasongo (Zambian)

  37. I love wat is taking place in Uganda victory belongs to Jesus indeed I believe one day I will stand on that Holly ground and testify unto God ,may God bless the man Of God pastor kayanja and Jessica kayanja

  38. Praise God Pastor Robert and Jessica, We are really grateful for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you , May our Good Lord Protect you and bless you abundantly You and your Family , You have been a blessing to me, my Family, the Body of Christ and Our Country Uganda
    Victory Belongs to Jesus

  39. I salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus!
    Holy Spirit thank you for the great work you are doing in this Ministry. Pastor Robert and Jessica I love you and thank you for obeying. God bless you abundantly and pray for me and my family,we need
    a child,

  40. thanx pastor

  41. Prayer request:
    Persécutions demonics satanic and dark things done againts pastor Thieringo’s must stop, mustn’t have effect on him and must return againts those who do that. Fire of Holly Spirit must come on evil and dark and bad things againts him. God Jesus Holly Spirit must do justice to him. Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom blessings healing chance success grace of God and compasion mercy of Jesus must be in pastor Thieringo’s life in Jesus name.

  42. Praise the Lord, I want to thank God for the ministry of Pastor Robert and Jessica Kayanja. I believe 77 Dogs came as a result of obedience to the Holy Spirit by this man of God and now the whole world is benefitting from it. I was introduced to this move of the Holy Spirit Revival, in October 2016 while I was in my rehabilitation period after my surgery from a massive stroke, by my Pastor friend in Uganda, since then, I have been attending daily services on Youtube. The H/S has done a lot for me, healing me, strengthening me, bringing me laughter and encouragement, through watching the miracles and testifiers; from being helpless now I can type, moved from a wheelchair to a walker and now am starting to use a cane; my memory and manhood are back,can read , identify people, right eyesight is corrected, I can shower myself, dress myself, feed myself my B/P is normalising now…To God be the Glory, Am still under my Neuro surgeon’s care but I know God has touched me and the H/S has my back……and it is hard to know that I had a stroke before…all is because of the healing power of the H/S. Once again I thank you Pastors Robert and Jessica Kayanja, all the Pastors and ministers of RMC, the choir, interpreters, catchers, and ushers. Surely all eyes are on Uganda, I can’t wait to be physically part of the Revival. Be blessed.
    Pastor Joe

  43. Dear Sir,
    I am from Ghana. My name is Anthony Adangabe and currently serves as a leader in a Pentecostal Church in Ghana. I have the leading to go into full time ministry and having followed your ministry over the years, my heart is fully connected to you and your style of ministry. I want the opportunity for you to mentor me and guidance as a spiritual father in this journey. I look forward to visit Uganda this year to participate in the 77 DOGS.
    Victory belongs to Jesus.

  44. we are requesting to tbe added on prayer warrior list of 1000000, million we are Semenda,,Norah mobile no 0772007577. And Musoke,Habert mobile no 0755000388. thanks.

  45. Prayer request :
    Persecutions demonics satanics and dark things done againts pastor Thieringo must stop, mustn’t have effect on him and must return againts those who do that. Fire of Holly Spirit must come on evil and dark things against him.
    God Holly Spirit Jesus must do justice to him.
    Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom healing blessings healthy grace of God compassion mercy of Jesus must be in pastor Thieringo’s life in Jesus name.
    God bless You

  46. I really thank Pastor Robert and Jessica kayanja, all prayer warriors and intercessors in miracle centre cathedral for I sent a prayer request on monday when my sister who was demon possessed escaped from mummy at miracle centre Rubaga, but at around six I got a phone call from her telling me to send her trans after by passing masaka but I told the tax man to take her to the near by police station ,and I picked her from lyantonde police yesterday evening and I brought her back to mum at miracle centre last night ,Am still believing for her total healing and deliverance and the glory will go back to God and all people and even our parents will know that we have an extra-ordinally God.thank you holy spirit for keeping her. Am syson Tumuheki from Bushenyi(mitooma) ministering in vcc mbra.

  47. Thank you Pastor Robert and Jessica Kayanja for obeying the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to use you to touch so many people’s lives through 77DOGS.
    Since I started watching from 77DOGS Season I have never looked back. My eyes have been opened to see and God has given me the grace to read the Bible on my own and even research about the scriptures to learn how to relate them to my life. I now tithe serious in my church and sow seeds which was a rare thing for me in the past apart from just giving an offertory.

    I have learnt how to fast which I had never thought that I would do in my life thinking it was impossible and perhaps will become ill if I did so. My praying has gone on another level and have learnt how to use the Bible verses to relate to my prayers.

    I attended 77DOGS last December 2017 – January 2018 when I had come back home for my annual leave and when I returned to the UK I found when I had received miracle money. First one was an exgratia payment from work (2016 bonus ) which was miscalculated and was told by one HR Advisor that the difference wouldn’t be given back to me. However, to rest my case and as a last resort I told my Director and he said that he would revisit the case and he did authorise the payment in the end. Plus I also did receive the 2017 bonus in February 2018 pay.
    Second one I received PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) from the claim that I jokingly submitted not expecting much.
    Third one, there is one bank that was careless with my personal data and when I made a formal complaint for breaching of the data protection law, the bank settled the case by paying me some money for the inconvenience and distress caused.

    I am praying that God will prosper me , take me higher and strengthen me. I am also believing God for bigger testimonies that will speak for themselves to glorify His name and also make my family and friends become born again as they think I am confused or lost.

    God bless you Pastors and all those who make the 77DOGS happen everyday. Well done.
    Florence. N.K from UK, London

  48. Victory belongs to Jesus
    We shall forever be grateful to the Holy Spirit for accepting to use Africa And Uganda in particular to pour itself out to the Nations in the world
    Bigups to the RKM for hearing and obeying the voice of the Holy Ghost,accepting to be used as electric cables to transmit fire to the nations world wide


  50. I am Openytho Christ an Alur by tribe and a gospel singer yet doing Audios, I wish to request for prayers; “That GOD showers me with good music composition, exault my music and also open financial aid doors so as I have my own Music Production Studios”. I get happy every single day that passes by seeing what the Holy Spirit is doing. THANKS SO MUCH PASTOR ROBERT KAYANJA FOR OFFERING YOURSELF TO USED MAXIMUMLY BY GOD ALMIGHTY IN EXTENDING THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.

  51. Praise the Lord, Pastor Robert and Jessica Kayanja, I glorify God for both of you and your teams of pastors and other workers of God! I have been watching 77 DOGS and praying with you since it started and visited the Miracle Centre grounds on a number of occasions. I have been blessed beyond measure; and for the first time in many years I am in full time employment!! Thank you for your continued prayers, man and woman of God! I am part of a VOICE IN A MILLION prayer movement. I listen in to MARRIAGE TODAY. We are blessed every inch of the way because the HOLY SPIRIT visited us! Glory to God! Halleluyah!!!!! May God continue to bless you. I LOVE YOU!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!! See you soon!!!

  52. Pray for my mother Margaret healing wholeness Pray for my wife families Pray for increase for me in gifts prophetic prophet seer Pray That I win my appeals claims VA

  53. hello man of God thank you for obeying Gods call so well i wish i was more like you i wish you love and safety and peace and prosperity in jesus name amen i hope you have a wonderful fullfilling life

  54. victory belongs to Jesus indeed

  55. prayer request pastor kayanja pray for isa that God opening windows and doors of heaven to pours blessings and favors and power of creating wealth for isa and power of creativity and innovations and receiving knowledge of understanding and pray for to set free from spirit of devil that being moving inside isa,s head and hies , that God pours his spirit in changing isa,s performance at kyambogo university

  56. pray for mugwanga isa that God opening for isa windows and doors of heaven to pours on blessings ,favors and power of creating wealth and opening active IQ of isa and receiving total healing and deliverance from satanic power that been disturbing isa in head in his brain and IQ and in his legs

  57. prayer request for mugwanga isa that pastor to release for isa spirit of intelligent and innovation and creativity so as to be greatest successful entrepreneur and spirit of find out problems and find worth solving and spirit of connections and moving nations


    Concerning the pastor Thieringo : for the year 2020 and after :

    Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country.
    Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo’s life in Jesus name.

    When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer!
    Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies?
    Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him.
    Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up.
    Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD.
    Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD!
    You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound.
    I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home.

    May all the evils spirits directed against me, coming against me acting against me: be bound, go away and come no more against me. May satan be bound when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it acts in my life: let it be bound go and don’t come against me in the name of Jesus. May the Eternal God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit reprove him drive him away in the name of Jesus.
    May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit, Creatures Celestials of the Lord, Spirits of the Lord, who are in the service of the Eternal God, the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ destroy the destroyer so that he may stop destroying me, so that he do not destroy me any more, stop those who persecute me to continue to persecute me, in the name of Jesus.
    May all things is in my life that does not come from God come out and don’t come back, may the plans of God, the destiny of God for my life be fulfilled in the name of Jesus.
    May all altars on which, in which, under which my name is invoked to harm me be:
    -destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
    -consumed destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, by the Eternal God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus.
    -I put the cross of Jesus in the place of the altar
    -May the earth vomits what the enemy buried belonging to me
    -May what holds what belongs to me vomit my things for me
    -May the earth and what held my things don’t obey to the enemy and the adversary.
    May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit, Creatures Celestials of the Lord, Spirits of the Lord, who are in the service of the Eternal God, the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus -Christ: restore me, bless me and protect me beyond a hundredfold, May they come hastily to my rescue in the name of Jesus.
    -So be it :
    Eternal my God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, Amen Amen Amen.
    May it be so: Eternal my God (my father) in the name of Jesus. Amen Amen Amen
    Persecution demonic satanic and dark things done againts pastor Thieringo must stop and mustn’t have effect on him and must return againts those who do that. Fire of Holly Spirit must come on evil and bad things againts him. May Holly Spirit Jesus and God do justice to him. May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus -Christ: restore me, bless me and protect me beyond a hundredfold, That they come hastily to my rescue in the name of Jesus. . Protection , healing, wisdom ,freedom, prosperity, chance , success, healthy, goodness of God, miracles, protection againts thieves, great anointing of God, protection againts persecutions, must be in pastor Thieringo’s life in Jesus Name .


  59. Me too i love this minostry

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