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Destroying Ancestral Horns – part 2


# 4th DIMENSION ANOINTING| Destroying Ancestral Horns – part 2

When Moses was anointed, he literally brought heaven on the earth. It was God confronting Pharoah, and this is what He said to him. He said, Moses, I have made you a god to Pharaoh because Pharaoh was at a god level [Exodus 7:1]. The Egyptians had built enough witchcraft that they could get sticks and throw them down to turn into snakes [Exodus 7:11-12]. The devil had copied everything God does and said, I can also do it… and God said, Moses, I am not sending you as an apostle to Pharaoh or someone filled with the Spirit, but you are going as a god against a god.

                                   May the Lord add you more power than that of witchcraft.

When Jezebel was bringing witchcraft to Israel, she even succeeded in marrying a king of Israel who represents the priesthood and kingship, who is also the shadow of the church, and she brought in her gods and then Israel turned to her gods.

I want you to listen to me, people who knew the Living God, how could they worship Baal? Unless Baal was pulling out tricks Israel had never seen [1 Kings 16:31]. The prophets and the priest were every day eating the breakfast of Jezebel. How could they? Unless the prophets of Baal were performing witchcraft that the people believed this was a real god than their God

In the book of Acts, there was a witch in Samaria who had bewitched the entire city, and the scripture says, the people believed that he was from God [Acts 8:9-10]. You can ask yourself; how can people believe that a witch is from God? When this witch has the power of Satan to try to solve people’s problems. People don’t go to witchdoctors because they want witches, they go their because they have problems. BUT when Philip went to Samaria, and brought a GREATER power, they abandoned the witch, even the witch abandoned his witchcraft [Acts 8:13].

In the name of Jesus, something is about to happen to your family. Your family is about to know that you have a real God.

Ezekiel 47 talks about the power of God. That it begins at the ankles and goes to the knees through the waist up to the swimming level (the neck) [Ezekiel 47:1-5].

  • The ankle is standing, and many of us have been surviving on standing. You have stood on the promises and word of God. And that is not enough.
  • The knee is prayer. Many of you have survived on prayer.
  • The waist is productivity. Many of you have worked so hard and produced your kind.
  • You must reach the swimming level (the neck). It is time to swim in the anointing, whereby from your neck and below: your standing, your prayer, your productivity, and work is all anointed.

In the body of Christ today, we have ignored our communication with God and yet that is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. All the men of God including Jesus when He came, He said, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath ANOINTED me [Luke 4:18]. So, if Jesus needed the anointing, what about me? Why is Jesus putting an emphasis on the anointing? Because the anointing is the only thing which breaks and destroys yokes [Isaiah 10:27]. All the greatest miracles, God did, He did them through the anointed people. Holy men led by the Holy Spirit wrote the scriptures [1 Peter 1:21].

When you are to go to heaven, you must go through several anointings. Many don’t understand this; Mary couldn’t conceive Jesus until the Holy Spirit came upon her [Luke 1:35].

                          When the Holy Spirit comes upon you that is an anointing.

Jesus to be born, it took an anointing. Joseph and Mary had never delivered a baby neither had they midwives. They never had anyone to help them. Therefore, to deliver Jesus, it had to take an anointing. Mary was anointed!! Joseph was also anointed, not only to bring out but to also raise Jesus. You are gonna discover the anointing on Joseph very soon in any of these services.

Child of God, you are about to do things not by mighty, not by power but by My Spirit saith the Lord [Zechariah 4:6]. Listen to this, how do you raise God unless if the Holy Spirit is with you? The Holy Spirit is God, and who is God? God is Holy [1 Peter 1:15], and God is a Spirit [John 4:24]. When you put Holy and Spirit together, you get Holy Spirit. How do you raise a God unless you are a god? Man can’t raise God, that’s why Mary and Joseph had to be anointed.

The anointing is so powerful that it pulls the kings to bring the gold [Matthew 2:11]. They went to Egypt without a visa [Matthew 2:14].  In the name of Jesus, the anointing is coming upon you now!

Listen to this child of God, Jesus had to be anointed to do ministry [Luke 3:22]. Jesus had to be anointed to die; His body had to be anointed for burial [Mark 14:3-8, Matthew 26:12]. He told the disciples to go the upper room and you shall receive power after the anointing has come upon you by the Holy Ghost [Acts 1:8].

Remember, there are four anointings of the Holy Spirit; at the ankle, at the knee, at the waist and at the neck [Ezekiel 47:5]. The three anointings are brought by Jesus Christ so that you make the full seven. God is perfect, that’s why Jesus brought the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but the other four were operating in the Old Testament. That’s why in the beginning in Genesis, God talks about four; The four rivers [Genesis 2:10]; the four corners of the earth in the book of Ezekiel chapter 7 verse 2; the four winds [Daniel 7:2]; the four corners of a house [Job 1:19]. God revealed the cross of Jesus because it had four corners [Job 1:7]; the four spirits [Zechariah 6:5]; the ark of the covenant is four squares. God deals with four.

When Jesus came, He said, I didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. He came to add on God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit [Matthew 5:17]. After the fourth anointing, Jesus didn’t start again. He started at anointing no.5 at the heads of the disciples [Acts 2:3]. That’s why the oil was no longer at the ankle, the knee, the waist or at the neck, but it sat on the heads of the apostles, and the people saw the flames of fire. What they didn’t see was the bowl of oil. People saw candles on the apostles’ heads, and in the book of revelation, John talks about the candle. It wasn’t the candle, but rather the oil burning. There was no oil in the lamps, so they lost the light. We are the light of the world [Matthew 5:14]. We are no longer shining because we have run out of the oil

                           When you run out of the anointing, there’s no light.

You can’t shine if you have run out of the oil. That’s why the five virgins when they run out of oil, they couldn’t light up their lamps. The lamps were okey, but the oil was missing [Matthew 25:7-8]. Child of God, you are okey, but if you lack the oil, you lack the precious. The woman with an alabaster box, remember in the Jewish setting, women were not supposed to touched men in public, was able to penetrate where Jesus was seated? This wasn’t her house, but because she had an oil in her hands [Matthew 26:7].

When you have the anointing, you will have access; you will be able to go where no one has ever gone before. The bible calls the anointing a gift. The Holy Spirit is a gift [Acts 2:38]. Salvation is given to you by God likewise the oil. It’s a gift given to you. And today, we are taking home our gift of the Anointing oil.

This fourth anointing is revealed by several things…

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