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The Beginning Anointing


12th January 2025||Sunday 3rd Service || Pr. Robert Kayanja

People of God, we do not yet fully understand the knowledge of God. Just a few days ago, the Spirit of God sat me down and began to reveal to me the depths of Genesis chapter 1. Oh, how loaded it is! I thought I understood it until He unveiled it to me. Truly, we do not know God as we should.

Apostle Paul, once known as Saul, reflects this in Philippians 3:10: “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death.”

Even after serving God, Paul expressed a desire to know Him more. Who was Paul? Formerly Saul, he was a highly educated man, a Pharisee of Pharisees (Acts 23:6), and one who authorized the persecution of believers. But Saul was not born for destruction—God had a higher calling for him. So much so that Jesus left heaven to encounter him directly (Acts 9:3).

How do we truly know God?

Job offers us guidance in Job 22:21: “Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” Declare this: I want to know Him.

To know Him, we must return to the beginning—Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” For deeper understanding, we also turn to John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Who is Him? He is the Word.
Who is the Word? He is Jesus.
Who is Jesus? He is God’s anointing—God’s ability to love, forgive, create, and resurrect. Jesus is not just a boy from Nazareth; He is the embodiment of God’s anointing to create.

Let’s return to the beginning.

Genesis 1:2 reveals: “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Do you know that heaven came out of the water? Genesis 1:6-8 describes how God divided the waters to create the firmament, which He called heaven.

Whoever receives the Holy Spirit becomes a vessel of creation. When the anointing comes upon you, extraordinary things begin to happen. For example, Peter walked on water (Matthew 14:29).

Declare: Begin with me, Lord!

The word “beginning” in Hebrew is Bereshit (בְּרֵאשִׁית)—it signifies an anointing. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew God as Almighty (Exodus 6:3). This year, by the anointing, things that were not there shall manifest. Genesis 1:3 says: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

Child of God, know this: whoever has worked to bring darkness into your life, God will fight their darkness. God’s methods are not like ours. The anointing will break poverty and establish prosperity in your life. Declare: The anointing has come forth for me!

John 14:23 reminds us: “If a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” You are the house of God, rich in His presence and blessings (John 14:2, John 15:7).

Consider the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7. Her sons faced slavery due to debt. Elisha instructed her to gather empty vessels and pour oil into them. The oil, symbolic of the anointing, flowed until every vessel was filled. Declare: I will not stop the oil!

Acts 20:32 says: “And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.”

Let me declare over your life: this anointing will prosper you. Raise your hand and say: Lord, I need this anointing!

Declare: Lord, begin with me!

© Missions Department
Robert Kayanja Ministries

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The Anointing of Beginnings


SUNDAY 3RD SERVICE – 5th January 2025
#The Anointing of Beginnings

In 2025, we must remain vigilant for significant spiritual milestones. The number 25 represents a silver jubilee, symbolizing redemption. Within redemption, we encounter the 72 anointings of Jesus. As Galatians 3:13-14 declares: “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us, for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree,’ that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”

The blessing of Abraham comes to us through the anointing of redemption.

In Hebrew, the number 5 represents the five fingers, each with its unique anointing and purpose. Child of God, you were not created for poverty, and your body is not meant to accommodate it (Genesis 1:27). Even Jesus, who came to die for us, said, “Take this cup from me” (Luke 22:42).

 Declare boldly: “Lord, take this poverty from me!”

Those who are not yet married, I declare, this is your year of marriage! Proclaim: “My ring is coming on my finger!” Each finger carries a purpose:

  • The ring finger symbolizes authority for procreation.
  • The thumb finger holds access to wealth.

Remember, David used five stones to slay Goliath (1 Samuel 17:26-50). This year, you will conquer the five giants in your life. Five rivers flowed from Eden, and five loaves fed the multitudes (John 6:1-14).

2025 is not an easy year, but it is divinely designed to dismantle the works of the enemy.

The number 2 in Hebrew represents “Bread.” Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the “House of Bread” (Matthew 2:1), and declared, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). He used bread to symbolize His body (Matthew 26:26). Bread signifies healing, as seen when Jesus healed the Gentile woman’s daughter (Matthew 15:25-28).

This is the year of prayer, and God answers prayers prayed in the Spirit (John 4:24).

Declare: “My house shall be a house of prayer!”

The number 5 represents new beginnings (Revelation 22:13). God, who begins and ends all things, will finish what He started in you. No witch shall end your destiny! Declare: “My God is the Alpha and the Omega!”

Our beginning is through Abraham (Galatian 3:14). And one of the problems he faced was identity. Abraham struggled with identity. He was a Chaldean, then a Syrian, and later adopted other identities based on his environment. But when God intervened, He gave Abraham a new identity and a covenant that made him a father of nations. Abraham was a gentile that’s why God began with him. Child of God, this year, when God talks to you, get ready to MOVE; you must take a MOVE!

Genesis 1:1-2 reveals that God’s Spirit moved upon the waters to bring order. Similarly, in 2025, you must take a bold move to align with God’s plans. Tell your neighbor: “This year, you must take a bold move because if you don’t, you will miss out!”

In Genesis 12:11-13, Abraham’s lack of identity and fear of death led him to call Sarai his sister in Egypt. Yet, through his obedience and God’s anointing, he gained wealth and favor. The boils that afflicted the Egyptians lifted after Abraham prayed for Pharaoh, demonstrating the power of his unique anointing.

This year, the 72 anointings are unlocking in your life. Declare: “Lord, begin with me!”

Isaiah 10:27 says: “It shall come to pass in that day, that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.”

The anointing will remove every chain and burden from your life. The anointing comes softly and removes the person who yoked you. It then removes the chain from your neck and that is what is going to happen to you. When God begins with you, everything changes. Abraham’s identity shifted; he became a friend of God. God transformed Abram into Abraham, Sarai into Sarah, and made them the parents of nations. His household prospered in cattle, silver, and gold (Genesis 13:2).

      Proclaim: “Begin with me, Lord!”

This year, the 72 anointings of Jesus will activate in your life. What doctors cannot do, God will accomplish. The anointing is removing every burden and breaks every chain. Your identity will change, and miracles will set you apart.

Raise your hand and declare: “Begin with me, Lord!”

I prophesy that the miracles God will perform in your life will distinguish you. This year, may your calling align with your anointing. May your testimony be as joyous as Christmas or the day of a financial breakthrough.

God has already begun!

© Missions Department
Robert Kayanja Ministries


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2025, The Year of Redemption


1st  January 2024 Message with Pr. Robert Kayanja

#2025, The Year of Redemption

2025 is declared the Year of Redemption. Say it with faith: I am coming out of Egypt! If you are to be redeemed, you must first take responsibility, acknowledging that it is you who took yourself there—just as Abraham took himself to Egypt (Genesis 12:10-20).

This is the Year of Bread. In 2025, do not allow any thief to steal your bread. Your house shall become a house of bread, filled with provision and abundance.

The 72 anointings of Jesus are coming upon you, and today’s anointing has marked you for greatness.

In redemption, the Israelites took themselves to Egypt and stayed there for 430 years. Declare with conviction: I am not remaining in bondage.

The Holy Spirit has revealed that by June 2025, approximately 1 million people will own their own land.

Galatians 3:13 reminds us: “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’).” Every curse placed upon your life, even before you were born, is being broken today.

Ephesians 1:7 says: “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.”

What is Redemption?

Redemption is being forgiven and set free. God has redeemed you, and the evidence of redemption is the manifestation of the blessings of Abraham in your life. In 2025, all 365 blessings of Abraham are coming upon you.

Here are three of those blessings coming to you:

  1. Long life – Abraham lived 175 years (Genesis 25:7-8).
  2. Strength – Abraham was a strong man; he climbed mountains (Genesis 22:2-12).
  3. Wealth – Abraham was rich in livestock, silver, and gold (Genesis 13:2).

Declare it boldly: This is my year of prosperity and wealth. The Bible says, “Let the poor say, I am rich” (Joel 3:10).

You are redeemed to live long, to be strong, and to be prosperous.

Why Does God Want to Redeem You?

Because you were not created for poverty. This is not a show-off—declare with faith: I have received a revelation that I was created for prosperity, and I cannot afford to live in poverty.

Tell your neighbor: Christ became a curse for me so that I can inherit the blessings of Abraham.

Thus says the Lord: As you have come to this place today, so will people come to you seeking help. I declare that you shall be prosperous in the land. May God bless you with land in both the village and the city. May God give you work that prospers your hands. Declare it boldly: Lord, I don’t want just a job; give me work, for You bless the work of my hands (Deuteronomy 28:12).

As I Conclude:

Once God anoints you, prosperity follows. The anointing will elevate you above others and cause you to excel.

May God grant you these three blessings in 2025:

  1. Land
  2. Work
  3. Anointing

©Missions Department
Robert Kayanja Ministries

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2025, the year of your Redemption


31st December 2024

2025 is not just another year—it’s a year of transformation. Every chain that has bound you is breaking today. Tonight is not an ordinary night, and 2025 will be a year of power. While challenges may arise, as the Lord has said, for those with the anointing, it will feel like a bullet passing through butter.

The Bible teaches us that every digit and name carries meaning. Romans 8:28 reminds us: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Rain or sunshine, every situation will align for your good. Even those who hate you will be compelled to love you. This year, heaven has declared, and even hell has accepted, that 2025 is the year of your redemption.

In Hebrew, the number 2 is beth), meaning “house.” Jesus was born in the house of bread (Matthew 2:1). He proclaimed, “My house shall be called a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13), and said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions” (John 14:2). You are God’s house, and from you shall come forth mansions. This is the year of the house of bread. Whatever has disrupted your life, God is casting it out.

Deuteronomy 8:3 says: “He humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna… that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD.” God provided for His people in the wilderness, and He will provide for you. Acts 2:42 emphasizes fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. Isaiah 56:7 declares: “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.” People will be drawn to you, not merely to see God, but to see the God in you. The blessings of Abraham shall be evident in your life. You will lend and not borrow.

You are the house of bread. In John 6:35, Jesus said: “I am the bread of life; he that cometh to me shall never hunger.” As God’s house of bread, you will offer hope to the hopeless. This year, you will build a house your forefathers never dreamed of.

John 14:2 says: “In My Father’s house are many mansions… I go to prepare a place for you.” God has prepared that out of you shall come greatness.

The number 5 in Hebrew is hey (ה), representing grace, favor, and creative power. It symbolizes divinity and revelation. May God place His mark on you, setting you apart. Declare it boldly: “I am the one.” Number 5 also signifies what descends from God. Let me declare: nations will desire you.

The Significance of 25:

  • You will be blessed, every day of the week.
  • It represents the universal Word of God and the law.
  • It signifies multiplication and creation.
  • It stands for oneness in Judaism.
  • It unites the north, south, east, and west.
  • It represents redemption, the silver jubilee. Jesus was sold for silver (Matthew 26:15).

Ephesians 1:7 and Galatians 3:13 remind us of redemption through Christ. “In Him, we have redemption through His blood…” (Ephesians 1:7). Redemption carries 72 anointings, which only Christ can bestow.

This year, God will defeat those who oppressed you. Your adversaries will become your encouragers. Just as the Israelites marked their doorposts with blood (Exodus 12:13-28), God will shield you. By June 2025, you will own your house, and tonight is a sign you will never return to bondage (Egypt).

Three Gifts from God Tonight:

  1. Redemption
  2. 72 anointings
  3. Power

Anoint your forehead, feet, mouth, car doors, home doorposts, and bed. Next Wednesday, receive the second anointing as you progress toward all 72 anointings.

As I Conclude: 2025 is your year of redemption, total deliverance, healing, and the 72 anointings. It’s your year of success and victory. God will fight for you, and your enemies will vanish. You will build, grow stronger, and walk in divine favor and power. You are a wonder.

© Missions Department
Robert Kayanja Ministries