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Mid-Week Service with Ps. Robert Kayanja | July 26th, 2023 | WHCGA – United States

We have been talking about God speaking to us through visions and dreams, and one of the components we have forgotten as believers is that everything we like or adore, someone dreamt or thought about it, and the difference is they took their dreams seriously. They put things together. Someone would have told queen Sheba, or she dreamt about Solomon [1 Kings 10:1-13].

Today I want to share with you about something that will overcome demonic powers, and every force of darkness which is designed to rail you off your destiny. Its not a good feeling to be left behind. And the church feels sorry for the rapture, but the thought of it that you are going to be left behind is terrifying. I believe that the Lord today will cause us to enter a realm of prayer such that we pull the future into the present.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are eternal. What God did for others; He will do for you. I seriously believe that we have not taken time to look at scriptures and say, Lord, where will I fit in? How do I solve this problem?

You should read four chapters of the book of Psalms and one chapter for Proverbs such that you can build your spiritual life at a level you have never been before. Take it as a daily devotion to read five chapters a day and your life will be changed.

King David was a man who was born when his parents were old. When you are a child of an old age, you either get spoilt or you spoil yourself. Those who are born in the youthful age, they grow with their parents. What they eat, you eat, and where they go, you go, but when you are born when your parents are older, you are going to raise your parents if you are not serious. David was like that; his parents were older because the bible says, he was left behind as a young lad while his older brothers had gone to the battlefield to fight which means there was an age difference between David and his siblings. They were older and couldn’t understand him and that’s why he was left behind [1 Samuel 17:12-14].

David was a child of an old age of his parents. They were willing to go and fight and not David. They created a little project for him of taking care of the little sheep [1 Samuel 17:34-36]. If your family is a family of soldiers and they choose you to stay at home, you must understand, they either love you or they hate you. I don’t know what happened to Jesse that he forgot his son who was to become a great leader [1 Samuel 16:11-13]. David finds God or God finds David? Who found David? God found a king in David, and the anointing found David who was a boy [1 Samuel 13:14, 1 Samuel 16:13].

God tells Samuel, “Go and fill your horn with oil” [1 Samuel 16:1]. So, there are good horns and bad horns. Fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons. So, David raised through the ranks by the anointing. The anointing caused him to start killing lions and bears [1 Samuel 17:36].

Why is Jesus subsequently known as the son of David? We all know Jesus as the Son of God, but a blind man shouted, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me [Luke 18:38]. Jesus stopped, and if it wasn’t true…He would have kept walking. How do you live 1500 years before Jesus comes and yet, of all Israel, they don’t call this Miracle working Son of anybody but you? People know how to live now and in the future; how do I live impacting the generations? How do I live impacting my legacy around? How do I live affecting society? How do I determine where my grandchildren are going to go?

Today, it’s very difficult for you to leave an inheritance for your children. An inheritance, I am not talking about cars and money; those come and go, but something that can remain for others to follow. The moment you die, your children cry three kinds of tears;

  • what happens to all humans when someone they know dies. Whether you are related or not, you all cry… oh sorry.
  • They are going to miss you.
  • It’s a tear of joy. You have gone so quick and now they are going to spend your money. You have left them something to enjoy.

David in his own way, he had not yet gotten a son. He had sons somehow somewhere, but he had not gotten the one to seat on the throne. The anointing fell upon him, he did what I call prophetic projections and prayers; projecting what he wanted to see in the future and telling the future that this is what I want.

Today, with artificial intelligence (AI), people are surprised, that you can even do that. The bible owns the copy right and the Christians don’t use it, that’s why we are broke and sometimes confused. Bill Gates picks up one word in the bible (windows) and he becomes a billionaire, yet you keep that same bible in your house, and you can’t pick out any word.

David realizes something because he is a man of war, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to understand this, that the God you serve, is the God of war [Exodus 15:3]. He is the God of love and peace if you come to Him, but if you oppose Him, He will kill you; He will crush you. He doesn’t need matches. So, David realized that if he does not birth the next king through prayer, intimacy with God, through intercession and dedication, there will be no king. There would be a king but not God’s will king.

People of God and pastors, we should never be surprised when we go to elections and someone else goes through. We would have determined that in prayer prophetically, and say, this is what we are going to get. With Artificial Intelligence, they can now determine the kind of kid you will have, but why should we be shocked and surprised? The reason why we think the Holy Spirit is only to help us and jump around, feel good, speak in tongues, and yet we don’t know that the Holy Spirit is Holy. Who is Holy? God [1 Peter 1:15-16]. God is Holy and He is a Spirit [John 4:24]. When you put them together, you end up with Holy Spirit. Once He comes upon you, you will know what is coming…

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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